I wish I could tell you otherwise, but the reality is, you won't always win.

You can practice, prepare, and perform to the best of your ability, but the results will not always come your way.

Sometimes your opponent is better.

Sometimes you are just not good enough.

Sometimes the deck is stacked against you.

Sometimes there is no clear reason for the loss.

Nevertheless, the scoreboard does not lie.

But it's okay to lose.

You can learn from experience.

You can respect your enemies.

You can shake hands and congratulate your opponent.

You can show class and build resilience and character.

You can get better.

Damien Hardwick, three-time AFL premier coach, often says you learn more from your losses.

And perhaps these lessons are invaluable if we are really to maximize our potential.

You won't always win.

But you can always learn your lesson and play again.


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