In 2009, Rachael Lowe created a free, evidence-based online resource to share physiotherapy knowledge with any physiotherapist around the world who has access to an internet connection – A Wikipedia for physiotherapists! At that time it was impossible to know how the creation of Physiopedia would change the way our profession learned and shared knowledge, but in retrospect this can be defined as nothing more than a paradigm shift.

Historically, health information has been presented in textbooks or research articles that have been published in scientific and health journals. Textbooks should explain the basics of health on topics such as anatomy, physiology, assessment and treatment. We all have these “go-to” books that we got to know as students, but the downside is that information evolves, and we often turn to research articles to access the latest knowledge and best evidence. Searching the literature, however, is not always perfect:

All of this takes time, knowledge and energy, which is not ideal for therapists who are dedicated to clinic time and patient care.

With the creation of the Internet, the diffusion of knowledge and access to information changed. First came electronic books, better known as eBooks, a concept developed in 1971 by Michael S. Hart, the founder of the Gutenberg project, twenty years before the World Wide Web hit our screens. The first eBook ever created was the United States Declaration of Independence – a coincidence or a sign of the future?

Although printed books make up a large percentage of our reading and learning material, many authors also publish their works on the eBook platform, which is great and convenient, but is still only a book in electronic format.

This has made the Internet and the World Wide Web so popular. People can search for a variety of topics and get the latest evidence. However, this can be time consuming and the reliability of the information is not always known. Rachael Lowe's vision was to change all of this and provide credible, evidence-based information to a global audience.

For this reason, so many people who are looking for information about physiotherapy are now going to Physiopedia. It offers readers the best learning experience and it is not only students who use the resource, but also established clinicians and members of the public. Physiopedia is essentially a Wikipedia for physiotherapists. She uses the innovative wiki platform with which any qualified physiotherapist from around the world can contribute and edit content. It is based on the joint writing of groups with the aim of collecting the sum of all physiotherapeutic knowledge and making it freely accessible to everyone (including the public).

A book is easy to search for information, and any good author would have used the best resources and evidence available to him at that time. However, if you don't set yourself the task of constantly updating and reprinting your artwork, it may be out of date Before it even hits the shelves, the alternative is to leaf through your book and then search the text online to validate. However, all of this takes time and raises the question of how relevant the information is and whether the sources are reliable. But who determines exactly what is relevant? But what if there was an easier way, what if the Internet could be turned into a textbook? All relevant background information that is supported by the latest findings and research results. Voila! Physiopedia is coming down (only relevant if you watch game shows on TV!).

Physiopedia aims to reduce what is irrelevant and provides information that is not biased but follows the latest published "credible" evidence.

There are people around the world who have put aside their traditional textbooks and endless research (which are often difficult to decipher and irrelevant) in favor of a one-stop resource. Physiopedia does just that. Indeed, Physiopedia is more than just a source of knowledge, it represents much more. It is:

Collaborative – Global contributions mean that information can be transferable and relevant.
Current – Due to constant changes and reviews by volunteers and members of the physiotherapy community, current developments and new protocols can be immediately available.
Reflects Physiotherapy – As a profession that is constantly evolving, we now have to be flexible in our clinical practice and reflect current thinking and new research. This helps to keep our profession fresh and up to date. Treatments are no longer based on anecdotal treatment protocols. Treatments must now be effective and cost effective.
An Educational Instrument – Participation in Physiopedia and the process of developing and reviewing pages can contribute to lifelong learning and CPD. People are busier than ever and it can be difficult to find time to take courses to demonstrate learning. This is an amazing alternative.
Promotes the profession as future-oriented and current. The profession is no longer happy to rely on anecdotal treatments, and management wants to know that the best treatment is available and inexpensive.

But how can we achieve all of this? Well, here Physiopedia becomes invaluable, unlike a textbook, everything is always on hand and can be updated if necessary as the information changes. Imagine reading a textbook and coming across a word or technique that you are not sure you want to click, and have been redirected to more information without flipping through endless books and hundreds of pages, to find the relevant information. But don't just take our word for it. There are hospital departments and clinics that have put their books aside and set up Physiopedia on a dedicated computer as the main library and contact point.

What makes Physiopedia such a great resource? Is it the team of Rachael and Tony and the loyal volunteers or the demands created by new technologies for instant access to information or the new generation that is thirsty for knowledge? The answer is probably all of the above, but the project would never have started without Rachael's vision. It's a bit like the riddle of which came first, the chicken or the egg? It almost seems that one could not exist without the other!

Another advantage of using this online resource instead of a book is that it is suitable for all types of learners, regardless of whether you learn through words, pictures and / or videos. Physiopedia has it all! If you are still not convinced, visit Physiopedia and see all the information that is available to you at the push of a button!

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