For me, 2019 ended in the emergency room! Except for a slightly annoying leg injury and a late end of the year, everything will be fine. For Physiopedia it ended in a little turmoil, and in fact as much as the end of a cyclone happened in this year!

Let's start by getting the data out of the way! In 2019, 12 million people from all over the world viewed over 30 million pages on Physiopedia. This is a level of website usage that has never been seen before in our global professional field! Physiopedia is the number 1 on the international website for physiotherapy. What is more impressive, however, is that the website ranks 54th among all websites worldwide in the "SimilarWeb Health and Medicine" category! In 2019, the role that Physiopedia now plays humbled us. It is not only a great source of information for physiotherapists, but also an excellent tool for our profession.

Speaking of data, this year we thought a little bit about the future of our profession and produced a few short videos about how data can communicate it. The first was for the Big Data symposium at the WCPT Congress:

The other was a collaboration with the Australian Physiotherapy Council to celebrate their 50th birthday:

I cannot imagine what Physiopedia will do on its 50th birthday. When thinking about the future of our profession, we also thought about the impact Physiopedia has had on our profession so far and what contribution it could make in the future. We build community, we educate and we advocate this is at the core of everything we do, and this is summarized on a new page that describes the effects of Physiopedia.

This effect can only be achieved through the altruistic and tireless work of our very special team of volunteers. The team is working very hard to build this valued professional resource for our global profession. They monitor and update content, serve as a sounding board for ideas and provide advice and feedback from the front. They help us to share Physiopedia with the world. In February we added 23 new volunteers to the team, which makes us a group of 65 employees from 20 countries. We cannot thank them enough for contributing to the Physiopedia mission. If you have the chance, you should also thank them, because without them, Physiopedia would disappear!

 Physiopedia volunteers - volunteers in physiotherapy and physiotherapy "width =" 525 "height =" 409 "/> </p>
<p> It is a very special occasion for the team to meet in person, and this took place at the WCPT Congress in May. This is always a special conference for us, as we as an international professional conference have the opportunity to meet a wide range of our users and employees from all over the world. But having a part of the team there is so much more fun. This year there was the additional bonus of 5 presentations from the Physiopedia team in the conference program. </p>
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Our educational gift this year was the free TBI online course. The course on traumatic brain injury was funded by a very generous private donation and took place in October and November. 20,000 participants from almost every country in the world have registered for this course. It is the most popular open online course to date. Managing a course of this size is always a challenge, but the feedback we've received shows the impact of these courses around the world, and we'd like to thank everyone who participated in 2019 Course Participation Dates are expected to be released on Physiospot at the end of January.

In December we started the new Physiopedia app after a long wait. The app is free and offers you all articles from Physiopedia that have been optimized for mobile devices. Yes, Physiopedia can now be kept in your pocket and is easily accessible anywhere! Think of it as a gift from Physiopedia at the end of the year. You won't use it alone, there were over 10,000 downloads in just one week !!

 Physiopedia Mobile App for Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy "width =" 525 "height =" 288 "/> </p>
<p> This year Physiopedia was 10 years old. We didn't want to make too much of a fuss because we just focus too much on doing the best we can to provide you with a valuable professional resource. As a community-edited resource, it will never be perfect or complete, but the older it gets, the better it gets. The more people join the editing effort, the better and more extensive the content becomes. </p>
<p> In 2018, we realized how important physiopedia is to physiotherapists around the world, and this year we tried to understand the impact it has on our global profession. Our 2018/2019 Trustee Report is shared here. In 2020 we will work as a team on our vision of a “world <span style= in which everyone recognizes the value of physiotherapy and has access to high quality physiotherapy care”, and FOCUS on our contributing mission, “universal and equitable access to ensure ”, to implement all physiotherapeutic knowledge. "

In 2020 we will challenge ourselves to do better and we invite you to join us!

Physiopedia is a charity whose support depends on the global community. We are eternally grateful to our existing partners and volunteers and would be happy if you join the team. If you value Physiopedia, you should consider one of these options to support our activities in 2020:

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