When I run with the kids it can be a demoralizing experience.

My oldest, Hayden, can cover 3 miles in 20 minutes, and his younger brother, Logan, has dropped his personal best to under 25.

Unfortunately I'm not even close to that.

I often go for a run with Logan and his absurdly long legs take off with a hopping, relaxed excursion that I can no longer keep up with after only 20 meters.

He makes it look so simple and I puff and puff afterwards.

Then there are the other runners we meet on the way.

Some are clearly elite and have worked hard on their craft for years, while others, like me, are built for comfort rather than speed.

There is a temptation to look at those who zoom by and just give up. I could never be like her then why should I try?

The most important thing to remember is to keep walking at my own pace.

To celebrate and appreciate those who run at their own pace.

To keep working on getting better.

And to understand that there are some that I'll never catch.

Of course, this does not only apply to running.

There are always people who have done it longer and better.

There are people with a natural inclination to their chosen craft and they make it look simple.

That's fine. Go on!

We can only run at our own pace.

Don't compare, just keep walking.


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