In 1994 I built my house in a tiny little village in Georgia. At that time, a neighboring town less than 16 km away was considered a long-distance call. At that time, almost all cellular companies were charging per minute. My phone plan gave me $ 60 10 minutes a month. There were no Skype, zoom, or video conferencing and the Internet was still something that many people didn't have in their homes. In fact, in 1994 many people didn't have computers in their homes.

In 2003, when I was in India, I paid over $ 80 for a 15-minute phone call home. I could talk as long as I wanted today. We could go back in time, and some of you would remember hand-dug wells, outbuildings, coal stoves, and no-electricity houses. I can.

The point here is that we are so happy. We couldn't have managed the corona virus as easily 20 years ago as we do today.

Things are not as bleak as they may appear in the face of COVID-19. I consider this corona virus event "The Great Interruption". I take it seriously, but at the same time I don't consider it the end of the world.

Part of coping with stress is knowledge. Think of a traffic jam. It's frustrating when everyone stops on the highway and you don't know why. However, if you receive the information that an accident is imminent and will take 30 minutes to clear, this knowledge will help you deal with your stress. You can now make plans and have a hint of control.

We know the following about the COVID-19 virus:

It is one of many similar viruses that we have faced before. We will face others in the future.
It is transmitted through the air and through contact. Isolation and physical distancing can help reduce the risk of contracting and spreading the virus.
The time the virus can survive in the air depends on the type of surface it is on: metal (5 days), plastic (2-3 days), cardboard (only 24 hours – yes, Amazon. com).
It is currently believed that one in four carriers may be asymptomatic. On average, people are contagious for 48 hours before symptoms appear. However, this can take up to 14 days.
The death rate for COVID-19 is still controversial, but in general the rate is low (around 2%). Vulnerability and age are important factors. The mortality rate for young people is practically zero. Those 60 years and older are responsible for the majority of deaths (by far) from COVID-19, with those over 80 years old being the majority in this group.

I use this knowledge in the hope of putting this virus in the right light. It is very contagious, but so is the flu.

The uninterrupted coverage of every new case, celebrity and athlete who has it, as well as the "experts" who tell us all the terrible things that could happen have given the impression of a plague. A ridiculous teaser line that I heard said, "Next an interview with an actual survivor!" How about 98% of the people who get it?

We'll get through this. Here are some ways we can deal with our and our customers' stress when we deal with this pandemic.

First, we need to be aware that every stressful event increases existing conditions – addiction, relationship problems, fear, etc.

Second, self-monitoring. I hate change, and this situation has caused me to change almost everything. During the week, I have to monitor myself repeatedly, recognize my increasing stress or frustrations, and deal with them.

Third, don't stop your daily routines unless you have to. If you buy groceries on Fridays, buy groceries on Fridays.

If you are a parent, have an age-appropriate open dialogue with your children. Help them deal with their fears and fears.

Identify specific stressors of this isolation. I am extremely introverted. Staying at home didn't cause me any stress, but the lack of socialization can be very stressful for extroverts. Seeing people wearing masks everywhere can also unconsciously cause fear and restlessness.

Eat properly, sleep properly and get plenty of exercise. If you read my work regularly, you will recognize this as Moffatt's mantra.

Find the positive in the situation. We have a lot of family time or time to learn a new skill. Plus, no traffic and much less driving! I usually split my time into three offices. This virus has been given back to me for almost 10 additional hours a week that I would normally have been traveling.

Finally, take it one day at a time and turn off the TV. We had enough dark news.


Gregory K. Moffatt is a veteran advisor and Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Point University, more than 30 years old. In his monthly Voice of Experience column for CT Online, he would like to draw theoretical, ethical and practical lessons from his diverse career and inspiration for today's consultants, regardless of whether they are just starting out or have been practicing for many years. His experience spans three decades of working with children, trauma and abuse, and a variety of other experiences, including working with schools, businesses, and law enforcement. Contact him at [email protected].


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