As I write this post, my legs are sore and I feel very tired.

But there is a story behind the pain.

It started with a family talk about Laufen, Ekidens (a form of Japanese long-distance relay) and a local event that met our expectations.

My brave and enthusiastic nephew Lachlan registered us. We came up with a fitting team name inspired by the Lord of the Rings (Very dangerous over short distances) and then we got signed.

Yesterday, seven of us, Logan, Danny, Lachlan, Ebony, Madison, Macrae and I, completed the O & # 39; Keefe Challenge Ekiden Relay event, a 42.2 km relay that focused on our physical abilities It was a test, but a lot of fun.


We had a great support crew (thanks Yonah and Heather) and spent the day cheering, stretching, running, high-fiving and wondering why we are so crazy under perfect Conditions on a beautiful route. We did a time of 4 hours and 12 minutes, which may not be very impressive to many people, but it was amazing to us. I was so proud of the whole team and if I hadn't slowed them down on the last stage, I would have been less than 4 hours closer.

We were joined by hundreds of others and the atmosphere was infectiously positive. Runners of all shapes, abilities and speeds did their best and helped others do their best. I had a work colleague who ran the half marathon (she did very well) and another running companion who ran the 10 km at the tender age of 69.

In addition to my weekly park run, I took part in an organized fun run for the first time and it was a wonderful, new experience.

There are many more here.

But I may need time to recover first.

What wonderful new experiences have you had recently?


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