You deserve many things in life.

Here are 3 specific things and I invite you to live this year with the belief that these 3 things are always available to you …

1. Time to relax and have fun have

Life is too serious and intense all year round for so many people.

And for good reason challenges, there are ups and downs, there are losses, there is uncertainty and much more. We don't deny these very real aspects of life.

But you MUST recover from this dynamic.
YOU EARN to find moments of relaxation and fun.
Whether it's 5 minutes during your working day or an entire evening during the week or for a few days or weeks on vacation.

Balance is the key. And the only person who can give you that is YOU. If life has become too serious and too intense and you need to rest, look for the options available to you to create relaxation and fun.

2. The opportunity to start all over again

It doesn't matter what mistakes you made or what happened in the past. It doesn't matter what went wrong or what got lost. It doesn't matter what you said or didn't say. It doesn't matter what you did or didn't do.

YOU EARN that the opportunity is there again. To be new again. To start all over again.

And you are the one who has to choose this.

So if you feel like starting over in 2020, on a new blank canvas to recreate yourself or part of your life as if you were born again … GO FOR IT !

3. Love

Everyone deserves love. Give love. Be loved. Feel love. See with loving eyes. Speak with loving words. Act with loving intent. To feel enveloped in the comfort of loving energy.

And it doesn't matter whether you have loving people around you, whether someone shows love for you or not. Because YOU ARE LOVE. You have all the love of the world right here … right inside you right now.

Creation loves you so much that it beats your heart every day. Some people call this God or the universe or higher power or source. Whatever your belief system is, I honor and respect all people and their valued belief. Just know that you are here because LOVING LIFE FORCE supports you and loves you and wants you here. Sit down for a moment, close your eyes and feel how loved you are.

Related Resources

Bernadette Logue (known to everyone as “B”) is the director of the Daily Positive, a transformational life coach and author of 3 personal growth books – a guide on how to master your mind to live consciously and soulfully. For regular resources and coaching support, join B in EvolveHQ, The Daily Positive's private growth membership and community. To learn more about B, click here.

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