A man stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up.

He knew he had to go to the top, but from where he stood he couldn't identify a path that would lead him all the way.

All he could see was a starting point that gradually led upwards.

"Is that the right way?" he asked himself. "I wish I could see where it ends."

He thought about his options for a moment, shrugged his shoulders and started walking.

As he walked, more of the path became apparent.

But he still couldn't see if it went all the way.

He looked back and saw how far he had gone.

He had made solid progress, but it was not too late to return.

He decided to go ahead and went higher with each step.

With each step there were more paths to follow.

It was comforting, but annoying at times.

He built with confidence, satisfied with his progress, but doubts remained.

It was getting colder now.

Fewer birds were singing.

His legs were heavy.

But it persisted.

And the way too.

When he got up he was less worried.

He stopped for a moment and enjoyed the view. It was breathtaking.

For a while he felt that this would be enough, and then he realized that it would be much better from here if it looked this good from here.

So he smiled ironically and returned to the always revealing path.

And then he did it!

He was at the top.

It was everything one had hoped for, except so much more.

Because instead of a path that guaranteed success, he had taken the path of faith and hope.

One foot in front of the other.

Closer, but never quite sure that it was him.

Grateful that he started on the track.

Thankful that he didn't stay in the valley.

I don't know what your mountain is.

And I suspect you can't see the whole way.

But it is time to ignore the nagging doubts and begin the ascension.


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