There are times when I look at my children and think about all the things that they need to change.

And I've been with my wife for over 26 years, but there are still aspects of her that aren't perfect.

My employees could sometimes do a better job. If only they were more efficient or more powerful.

I have a lot of respect for my co-workers and my boss, but they could certainly learn a thing or two.

If I were really picky (and let's face it, sometimes we all are) my pastor could improve.

And if they just listened, I would have some good advice for some politicians, journalists and athletes.

But the reality is, the first person I have to change is myself.

Instead of focusing on everyone else's mistakes, I can deal with mine.

Instead of screaming from the cheap seats, I can start to take responsibility for my own development.

Instead of worrying about the dust stain in other people's eyes, I can take out the log that I have myself.

Instead of hoping that others can make the world better for me, I can start making it better for others.


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