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Top Tips Tuesday is a short weekly curated email with news, tips, and reflections that will help you stay current and interested in the world of physical therapy. Read this latest edition here . It could be a cool infographic that we think you will love, some new resources to use for your patients, or an inspiring story that we came across – but everything in it is openly accessible and clinically relevant for the physiotherapy practice. We'll even tell you how long it will take you to get the most out of each resource, so you can click on the ones that pique your curiosity and your time availability.

"Tops Tips Tuesday is the best email I get because it's relevant and to the point"

Our mission defines everything we do at Physiopedia. Our mission is to provide universal and fair access to all physiotherapeutic knowledge. We value sharing and want to help – and top tips Tuesday is just one of our ways to help you anywhere in the world.

Trust us, you don't want to miss this one!

Stay curious – subscribe to the top tips on Tuesday now!

Every Monday we publish an easy-to-digest analysis and interpretation of a recent high impact article that focuses on clinical implications. You can read a snapshot of any of the articles of the week below and find out more too!

Pitfalls of clinical prediction rules for musculoskeletal practice | Article of the week # 28

Clinical Predictive Rules (CPRs) are tools designed to aid clinicians in making daily clinical decisions. They provide physical therapists with an evidence-based tool to aid patient management in determining a particular diagnosis or prognosis, or in predicting a response to a particular intervention.

CPRs are most frequently used in musculoskeletal practice, but can also be used in other areas such as the airways. They are generally prescriptive and have grown in popularity over the past few years, but are they actually logical and factual?

Exploring CPR with Article of the Week

These are the first eBooks from Physiopedia. The PP team is much smaller than most people think, so putting something like this together alongside our usual jobs and PP tasks is not an easy task. Join over 10,000 people around the world and download one of the ebooks using the form below.

An introduction to COVID-19
COVID-19 rehabilitation program

Physiopedia has a YouTube channel and we upload new videos every week. Our channel contains interviews, updates of the Physioplus function and course updates and much more. We have some exciting plans for the upcoming channel to make sure you don't miss out on the subscription right now.

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