Hello friends!

I couldn't be more excited to share that I've officially launched a Mindfulness Kit that includes a daily guide to mindfulness practices and four aromatherapy-based products, plus three free digital bonuses that expand on some of the practices in the guide.

Why this kit – with aromatherapy products?

Over the years I've written five books and started eCourse, but this time I really wanted to create and offer something completely different.

As a writer, I am often in my head. Most of us always read articles, emails, and social media posts that reflect people's different thoughts and opinions. It's a nice thing to connect and share information, but at times the world can feel loud and overwhelming.

I don't know anything about you, but I often long for more time in my body and less time in my head. I long to break away from abstract ideas that often flood my brain and connect with the tangible – things that I can hold, touch and enjoy with my senses.

I find the scent particularly strong. The olfactory nerve is directly connected to the part of the brain that accesses memory, mood, and emotions, which is why certain smells can affect us so much.

They can calm us down, energize us and bring back our happiest memories. And yet they also encourage us to live in the moment, as we naturally take deep breaths to fully enjoy our favorite scents.

Life can get quite stressful at times, and there are a lot that we cannot control. But our breathing – we always have that under control. We can always choose to breathe deeply, anchor ourselves in our bodies, and create a little rest in the chaos of life.

Get your Mindfulness Kit

Why these specific products?

I thought carefully about the products I wanted to include in this kit and finally chose the four listed below for the following reasons:

A soothing bath and shower gel

Everyone who knows me knows that my tub is my happy place. It's my little cocoon away from the world, my space to reflect, relax and recharge. Whether I'm reading a trashy magazine or a real crime book, practicing deep breathing or having creative ideas, I'm always at peace in the tub. And when I don't have time to take a bath (the horror!) I make myself aware of the shower to start my day with a sense of peace and presence.

I have decided to smell this product like lavender so that you too can transform your bathtub into a small refuge of comfort and tranquility. Whether you have five minutes to shower or forty-five minutes to soak, this soothing bath and shower gel can help enhance the experience.

A calming roll-on for essential oils

Lavender is known to reduce stress and anxiety. That's why I decided to use this fragrance for the soothing essential oil roll-on and the relaxing pillow spray as well. The beauty of an essential oil roll-on is that it's small but powerful – you can carry it with you anytime you want and apply it to your wrists, temples, or behind your ears for instant relief.

I see my roll-on as a crucial tool not only for mental and emotional well-being, but also for peaceful relationships.

If someone triggers me and I am tempted to react with a knee jerk reaction, I pause, step back, apply my roll-on and take a few deep breaths before reacting. Sometimes. Sometimes I whip, cry and say things I don't mean or regret. (I'm in the works!) But I try to do the former more often and I'm always happier with myself for it!

A relaxing pillow spray

Good sleep is particularly important during a pandemic. Sound sleep strengthens our immune system, helps make informed decisions, and improves our mental health. But when everything is going on in the world, getting a good night's sleep can be even more difficult.

Personally, I struggle with falling asleep for a long time. For many nights, my brain feels like a million ping pong balls playing back and forth while dozen of different movie soundtracks are played at the same time.

When I spray my relaxation pillow spray, my senses draw me back into my body and I feel more and more comfortable with every deep, lavender-scented inhalation.

If you too feel restless when it is time to go to bed, this relaxing pillow spray can help you relax and fall asleep peacefully.

A scented candle with a lychee flower

I actually thought about making this lavender scented candle, but then decided to confuse things with an uplifting scent that is known to stimulate energy and improve focus.

As you will see in the Daily Mindfulness Practice Guide, I recommend lighting your lychee flower scented candle as part of a morning intention setting exercise. I think it's a great way to start the day energized and empowered to make the most of the hours to come.

Get your Mindfulness Kit

The freebies

In addition to the products and the daily practice guide, you get access to three free digital bonuses:

How to Make Your Shower Mindful, Blissful, and Rejuvenating
5 breathing exercises to calm and focus your mind
How To Do A Body Scan Before Bed For A Peaceful Sleep

With these three detailed guides you can use your Tiny Buddha products to create mindful moments in the morning, noon, and evening!

What else you need to know

All products in the kit are natural and cruelty free. 5% of the proceeds go to This Is My Brave, a nonprofit that brings stories of mental illness and addiction out of the shadows and in the shadows spotlights.

Before the pandemic, This Is My Brave focused on live shows with touching essays, original music, poetry, and comedy. For now, they have shifted gear to the virtual world, but they will be back on stage as soon as it is safe!

As someone struggling with depression and bulimia – who knows the power of vulnerable, authentic sharing – I couldn't be more excited about supporting this powerful nonprofit. And I love, love, love the power element. I am an artist at heart and I know from personal experience how creativity enables us to heal and shine.

If you want to bring some calm into your life, you can buy a small Buddha mindfulness kit here. I hope you like these products as much as I do!

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