"Hello, my name is Gina and I'm an introvert."

I was not always proud to say that, but it's me now. The fact is that this trait comes with a few things to consider.

As an introvert, I long for time for myself, for a true connection with others and perhaps most importantly for time, to explore what lies in this muddled spirit mine. I'm sure if you're introverted, you feel the same way.

"You may think I am small, but I have a universe in my head." – Yoko Ono

When it comes to running a business that we use our strengths, instead of working against it, a little practice is required.

Why Boundaries Are Important

In a business world filled with perceived success and growth, it's easy to get carried away in Hustle mode. As introverts, it is important for us to manage our work environment so that we do not overwork and burn out.

Borders are tools we can use to make sure we do not go overboard or let other people enter our work environment, sacred introverted spaces.

How to Set Borders

In the following three areas of your business, you can think about setting limits. This is just a beginning and you can apply these techniques not only to your business life but also to your private life.

1. Social Media

I put this on number one because I know you spend way too much time on social media if you're like me.

Because your business is likely to run On various social media platforms, the real consensus is that you need to check them every day on a regular basis. If you do not, you may miss sales, appear inactive, or your likes / followers will decline.

This fear is generated by social media platforms. They literally created features in their platforms to give you serious FOMO when you're not using them.

The longer you work on social media, the less time you'll spend on creating, developing, and improving your business.

And I'll bet if you spend even a few minutes on social media, you'll start comparing yourself to others.

Here are some things you can do to regain lost time You spend on social media:

Track it – Track the time you spend on each platform, and then analyze How many visitors to your site, new customers and contacts will win you (is it worth it?) Set specific times Remove the social media from your phone and check it only on your computer

2. Email / Communication

As an introvert I prefer e-mail as a means of communication. Instead of receiving an unannounced call, I can rethink my answer or save it for a while when I'm less busy.

However, I check them up to 20 times a day. I've opened a tab on my computer or the app is constantly being updated on my phone. Although I do not spend time answering e-mails immediately, their presence is enough to disrupt my work.

I take a leaf out of the 4-hour working week and now do the following (and you can too):

Set certain times for retrieving emails and that's it (11:00 am and 4:00 pm ) Reinforce with apps to block emails on my phone. It's that simple. Instead of waking up and checking my e-mails, I start with the tasks I've set for myself. My day is no longer determined by others, but by me.

3. Products and Services

Many online entrepreneurs dream of having multiple streams of passive income. Creating products and services that go almost by their own means that you can (theoretically) work less and live more.

However, to achieve this goal, you usually have to offer endless freebies to create a (hopefully) active email list, and for many of us it's a challenge with our catalog of digital products and courses to keep up. Let's say you have 5 digital products and 2 online courses. You would think that's when you've created and started it once. That's just not the case. Digital products need to be constantly promoted and marketed for as many people as possible to see them (and hopefully buy them).

When developing the products and services you offer, it is so important to think long term. Here are some questions you can answer to set limits and ensure that your products / services do not take over your life:

Have time to get your product / service in front of people Do you need all your products / services or can you restrict yourself to some and concentrate? Are your products / services really useful for your customers? Do you enjoy developing or realizing your products / services?

As an online business owner, it's easy to immerse yourself in a world of coaching and advice. But if we really listen to ourselves and start companies that work for us and create value for others, we thrive. As an introvert, listening is one of our greatest gifts. Let's use it and listen to ourselves. Related Resources

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