We had some proud parenting moments over the weekend.

It started when Logan and I were doing a 3 mile park run on Saturday morning and he crushed his Pb by over 80 seconds.

We drove from there to Madison's netball game, where she played with her new team for the first time. She played in a new position and turned off the lights with an amazing feat that we didn't see coming.

Then Hayden was a border referee for two soccer games, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. One was a top men's game and the other was an elite under 18 game with a few players looking to join the AFL by the end of the year. He ran 13 miles during the two games and did a great job.

However, this post is not about bragging about the achievements of my children, even though we think they are great.

I take great pride in Logan's persistence in running, exercising during the week, and in rewarding his efforts.

With Mads, I am very proud that even though she did not really know her teammates or her coach and played an unusual position, she faced the challenge and achieved an amazing result.

And for Hayden, his conscientious approach to his umpire and fitness gave him opportunities that he grasped with both hands.

For us as parents, success is not the result, but persistence, strength, resilience, hard work and the knowledge gained.

Well done folks, on and on.


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