Whatever your goals, you most likely will not go from A to B to C to D in a smooth manner without obstacles or setbacks.

I could tell you otherwise if I wanted, although I suspect that makes life interesting.

You will not receive a promotion or a raise every six months.

You won't break your PB every time you run.

You don't lose 1 kg every week.

Your investments will not increase in value by 10% every year.

Your rose bushes do not all bloom at the same time.

Success is not linear, but persistence pays off.

Don't let the setbacks put you off, let the challenge inspire you.

Don't give up if your progress doesn't meet your expectations or the timeframe on the ad. Go on.

That's right, go ahead.

Keep pressing.

Keep trying.

Keep learning.

And in the course of time you will have a wonderful story to tell.

Not from consistent, incremental steps, but from wonderful, unpredictable adventures.


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