My wife and I love to watch our children play sports.

It's great to see them compete and the drive to and from events can be a great time for conversation.

But tonight Mads frustrated me.

She was playing basketball and grabbed the ball with one hand.

She is usually not temporary, but she seemed to have lost some confidence and kept dropping the ball.

When the game was over and we went back to the car, she said she hadn't played well.

I countered with all the positive results of their game (including an amazing shot on the final buzzer) but also reminded them to grab the ball with both hands.

She is not alone.

Many people look for the possibilities that life offers with just one hand.

You are not properly preparing for interviews.

You don't make a good first impression on influential people.

You are not making a follow-up call that seals a potential sale.

And the opportunity is seized by someone else or just rolls out of the ordinary.

Take it with both hands.

With confidence and strength.

It's up to you.

Don't let it slip.


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