Another surreal holiday on the books for those of us in the US.

I hope you all had a day of love yesterday, even if that love was sent from afar.

I was 3,000 miles away from my family even though I was fortunate enough to be with my friend's parents.

After eating way too much tofurkey and cake, I spent a little time reading all of the comments on this week's giveaway post, and I was both saddened by all the pain so many of you have endured that year , as well as inspired by your strength and wisdom.

I know that 2020 has brought a rush of disappointment, struggle, stress and loss for many. And for others, it was a continuation of years of pain, just with a whole new taste.

I know that a mindfulness kit doesn't magically make everything better, but if I could give one to everyone who stepped in, I'd love to do it.

Since I unfortunately do not have the means and I know that many of you have commented that the kit would be helpful to you, I have decided to do what I think is the next best thing.


My offer to you

From today through Monday, November 30th, I'm giving away my bestseller "Recreate Your Life Story eCourse" as a free bonus to everyone who buys a Mindfulness Kit.

The course typically costs $ 97 and I have been told has helped many people make great internal and external changes.

I created this course a few years ago because I wanted to share what has helped me move forward and change my life after years of depression, bulimia and self-loathing.

I clearly remember a time when I felt particularly lost and hopeless and could not imagine ever being excited or proud of myself about my life. My story felt like cement enveloping me – like a trap of endless sacrifice and failure from which I could never escape.

Then one day when I was looking for hope, but was doubtful that I would find it, I came across a quote that changed everything for me:

"Life consists of 10% what happens to you and 90% of the reaction to it."

I haven't had many sudden revelations in my day – I am generally slow to learn when it comes to life's greatest lessons – but they hit me quickly and hard.

Then I realized that I didn't need to be defined by anything that I went through or what I did in response. Instead, I could focus on what I was going to do next, shifting my narrative from pain and shame to healing and pride.

My life could be defined by my next choice, and my next choice didn't have to look like the previous ones. And not only did my future not have to look like my past, I could also change the way I saw my past – and myself. I could literally rewrite my story through the power of perspective and paint myself not a victim or a villain but a hero .

That is what this course is about. It's about looking at yourself and your life through a stronger lens so that you can take back the reins and live the story you want to live from that point on.

It is about replacing despair with hope and self-assessment with self-compassion and embarking on a new path that inspires you as someone you are proud of.

I think after this year we could all use a little help to move forward, more not in spite of what we went through, but because of it.

I think this course can help, which is why I am offering it as a free bonus with the kit.

I also think the kit is a nice addition to the course. With four aromatherapy-based products, a daily guide to mindfulness practice, and three advanced digital guides, you can find a calm center within yourself to let go of the past and create a new narrative for yourself.

About the Mindfulness Kit

The products include:

A calming bath and shower gel
A lavender essential oil roll-on
A relaxing pillow spray
A scented candle with a lychee flower

The digital guides include:

How to Make Your Shower Mindful, Blissful, and Rejuvenating
5 breathing exercises to calm and focus your mind
How to do a body scan before bed to ensure a peaceful sleep

I developed this kit so that mindfulness is fun and relaxing, so that we can make it a habit. Self-compassion is a big part of the course, and I can't think of anything more self-compassionate than taking a little time to just be. Without the weight of our worries, fears, judgments, assumptions and complaints.

How to get your kit and the eCourse

1. First you need the Mindfulness Kit. You can grab one here.

2. After completing your transaction, you will receive a purchase confirmation email. Forward this to [email protected] and I will personally send you a voucher code for the course with instructions on how to register within 48 hours.

3. Once you have signed up for the course, you have lifetime access and can start anytime!

If you recently purchased this kit, I am pleased to honor this offer for you. Just forward your purchase confirmation email to me and I'll send you a code.

I'm sorry to say the kit is still limited to the US, but I plan to offer international shipping at some point and if I do I will renew this offer for those of you outside of the states.

I hope the kit and course bring you all a little peace, a lot of hope, and plenty of opportunity for the future!

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