Together we will deal with the exciting, stunning and impressive topic of the characters from the universe. I will show you how YOU are guided by these mysterious aspects of life.

So let's get started!

It is both helpful and totally inspiring to see how signs and synchronicities occur with REAL LIFE examples. It makes it so much easier to understand than to talk about it in theory.

4 real examples of characters from the universe

Below are 4 key personal examples I wanted to share with you today of how signs and synchronicities directly led me to great life changing experiences!

Sign + Attention + Take Action + Unfold Results = FANTASTIC!

I have been aware of and thought about divine guidance for the past 11 years (since my "awakening" in 2010) and have hundreds of examples of small and large signs and synchronicities, some of which I have seen in previous videos , Classes and shared in my books.

I've also received tons of messages from people all over the world over the past decade telling me the beautiful signs and synchronicities they had in their own lives!

NOTE – this happens to EVERYONE. Not just me, not just some people. ALL OF US.

When you are alive, your heart is beating, breathtakingly, you are being guided. You are never left out and never alone.

In these 4 examples of signs and synchronicities, notice how subtle these landmarks are … how easily they can be ignored, overlooked, dismissed, or overlooked.

And yet, by paying attention instead and making small decisions, how beautifully leadership can open up massive opportunities and blessed changes in our life path!

1. Signs & synchronicities for career & abundance

Context – At the time, I was dissatisfied with my work and unsure of what was next.

Situation – One weekend my sister and I were on a flight to an event. When the plane landed and people got up to disembark, my old boss from many years ago got up just a few rows in front of me, turned and looked straight at me! I didn't even know she was on the plane! She offered to drive me from the airport to the city and stop at her place first for a drink to really catch up. I said yes.

Synchronicity – Out of nowhere she encouraged me to get into the recruiting industry as a consultant and said she thought I was really good at it.

Warning – I am dissatisfied with my work, not sure what will happen next, new opportunities land on my plate!

RESULT – That planted a seed. At that time, I left my job and went overseas for 8 months. When I got back I said yes to life and joined my old boss in her company and had the most incredible 6 years in recruiting. It was the most formative time of my career. I had great relationships, was abundant financially, and learned SO MANY skills that would later support me in my job today! Life prepared me for the next phase.

2. Characters & Synchronicities for Love & Business Skills

Context – A job I loved came to an end due to organizational changes and I didn't know what to do next in my career. Plus, at the same time, I was frustrated with the wrong people, lonely, and longed to find real love.

Situation – I was sitting at my desk one day, concentrating deeply on a task, and my phone rang. It was another old boss who called me.

Synchronicity – He asked me if I knew anyone who might be interested in being their office manager / event manager because someone on their team was leaving. I was busy and I was quick to tell him I don't know anyone, but I would look out for him. I hung up the phone and kept typing to do my chores.

Warning – My job ended. And someone just called me about a job posting. It's pretty obvious, but I almost missed it!

Too busy, I refused it at first and didn't even think for a second that it was for me. I was in a huge national company and he had a really small entrepreneurial company, a different job, a different industry and … the salary was lower. But then I paused and had the inspired thought … what if?

RESULT – In the end I interviewed, got the job and learned SO MANY skills that would now support me in my own business. Plus … most importantly, someone didn't join the team any longer after I started. That someone became my husband. We met on this job and have been inseparable for 17 years. He is my soul mate and the love of my life!

3. Signs & synchronicities for beautiful friendship

Context – I had followed my soul's invitation to start my own business and had published my first book about following signs from the universe. I also had an impulse to go to Hawaii and felt called to write a second book about my experiences of divine guidance.

Situation – An email has arrived in my inbox. The news of an event in Maui, Hawaii! There were a few moderators in the email and a photo of a speaker caught my attention. She looked so familiar, but … I had never seen her before. I happened to feel a crystal clear inner urge to email her.

Synchronicity – I was attracted to Hawaii. That email was about an event in Hawaii. I had written about following instructions and felt this strong, intuitive push to contact this random stranger. How much did I believe in intuition?

Warning – Hawaii. Character. Nudge. E-mail. Random photo looks familiar to me.

RESULT – I Googled the woman in the photo. Sent her an email. Explained this chance unfolding. She replied and said she was drawn to answering. It turned out that we were both big fans of characters from the universe, we had a lot in common and we ended up connecting on Skype. It was like meeting a soul sister, a cherished friend from a past life, maybe! It felt like I had known her forever. I went to Hawaii, wrote my second book there, and met this beautiful soul personally. We have been very close friends ever since! She is my soul guide, mentor, friend and one of the most important connections I have made in my life. Since then we have personally crossed paths in Spain and Italy and chat online every month to support each other on this journey in life!

4. Signs & synchronicities for the connection with soul / purpose in life

Context – I had a great career where everything looked AMAZING on paper. And I felt an undeniable emptiness inside of me. I knew on a deep level, "It's not that". I was afraid of change, but I was also afraid of not changing and getting stuck. Catch 22!

Situation – I was bombarded with every imaginable kind of character that is possible over 2 keywords / topics. a) HEALING and b) GUIDANCE. Neither felt appealing to me. I didn't know what to do about any of these signs. Both seemed random. I was resilient.

Synchronicity – I had questioned myself, my work, my life, my purpose, this emptiness and wanted answers. And life undeniably addressed me with these relentless indisputable signs.

Warning – In the search for change, signs appear that want more meaning, a way is shown …

RESULT – I followed these signs and my life turned upside down! I've trained in energy healing. I moved into my company internally and took on a leadership role. I continued to explore coaching and healing together. I then left my career and founded my own company and turned it into a global platform on which I now take the lead in the healing of our spirits and lives and align myself with our souls. I stepped into what I now realized was a large part of my own soul plan and purpose, with complete freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment of the type I had always hoped would be possible. And the signs led me there!

How are you managed?

Signs and synchronicities occur for all of us.
Not every day. But when they do do we pay attention?

In this coaching video below, we cover types of signs you might get (in fact, some of them you will definitely get!).

As you prepare for this video, you will become more aware and open of the guidance that exists in your life, ready and aware to receive the signs and synchronicities that will cross your path in the future.

Just noticing and thinking about the meaning and possibility in what we believe to be divine guidance is SO exciting.

Sometimes it is clear and obvious that we are being guided!

Sometimes it is not like that, and we think, wonder and over-analyze …
Is that a sign ?!
What does that mean ?!

Sometimes we don't realize until much later that a small and subtle moment in our journey was indeed a divine order, and the gears in this vast universe had us where we needed to be, the moment we needed to be there to be

Free Resources for Life in the River with Signs and Synchronicities

Below are 3 free resources that have been popular over the years to show you how to live in flux with signs and synchronicities and bravely lead a soul-centered life …

1. How and why the universe sends you signs

This 28-minute coaching session has been streamed over 650,000 times. And has resulted in over 1000 comments from people sharing the meaningful signs and synchronicities they have experienced. This pouring out of personal experiences only shows how inspiring this part of our life journey is!

2. There is divine order in your life

This 5 minute coaching vlog encourages you to remember that there is divine order and timing in life. We do not control the speed at which the Universe, God, Creator, Higher Force, Source is moving. In order to live in the flow and be soul-centered, we must practice patience, grace and devotion.

3. Universal Flow – 7 Keys to Enjoying Characters, Synchronicities and Slipstream

In this 2-hour online course with 7-page downloadable PDF instructions, you will learn step by step how to get out of the way and adapt to the universal flow. Including:

The 2 self-sabotaging tendencies that humans have are blocking the flow but actually masquerading as “being a good person” or “doing the right thing”.
The 1 Big Misperception People Have About Life In The Flow So You Can Free Yourself Through A Paradigm Shift Now.
The 7 keys to enjoying life with signs, synchronicities, and slipstreams.

Ready for a deep dive? Start these online courses with B

For online training with Q&A assistance with me, visit our EvolveHQ Personal Growth Membership where we have the following courses and resources to support your journey…

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