This is the first repository of its kind and the right place for you if you need instructions and frameworks for rehabilitation.

The goal of the ReLAB-HS Rehabilitation Resource Repository is to improve the findability and accessibility of high quality rehabilitation publications produced by organizations to support the development and delivery of rehabilitation services and their integration into health systems.

New resources are added to the repository on a daily basis in accordance with the scope and inclusion criteria outlined. Below are the top 4 resources added in the last month.

Learning Health Systems: Paths to Progress

Learning – on an individual, team, organizational and cross-organizational level – is fundamental to strengthening health systems and achieving health goals. However, many health systems, especially in LMICs, still do not have sufficient capacity to generate and use the knowledge they need to be effective. Investment in learning activities tends to make up a remarkably small proportion of total investment in health programs and systems, and learning-oriented activities have not been budgeted for or favored compared to other health system priorities in the past.

This report promotes a full understanding of what is meant by learning health systems and how they can be created. It outlines the benefits of learning from health systems and the actions required to build such systems.

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Basic management package to strengthen centers for physical rehabilitation

The Essential Management Package (EMP) is a toolkit of proven leadership development approaches tailored for use by rehabilitation centers or other organizations that provide services to people with disabilities. It consists of the following components:

The Essential Management Systems Assessment Tool (EMSAT) and User Guide : a participatory assessment tool that organizations can use to assess the level of development of their central management systems;
The Essential Management Systems Manual : a standardized model for procedures for strengthening management processes and systems;
EMP Leadership Development Modules : a 10-module series of 4-hour leadership development and problem-solving sessions that was taken from MSH's proven Leadership Development Program Plus.

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Gender and rehabilitation

Gender and gender are important in health system rehabilitation interventions and research because women, men and intersex people have different biologies – and women, men and gender minorities have different gender social experiences – that affect their health behavior impact, opportunities and results.

It is important that rehabilitation care, like other forms of service delivery, is placed in the broader context of gender-specific health systems. This report clearly presents the status quo and is indispensable reading for all clinicians working in the clinic.

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Disability and Gender Analysis Toolkit

The Christian Blind Mission (CBM) Disability and Gender Analysis Toolkit is designed to assist employees, partners and allies in strengthening the ability to address systemic and deeply ingrained discriminatory practices, and in particular their program quality standards meet.

It offers practical tools for a stronger disability and gender analysis in order to inform planning, practice and systems. The toolkit provides practical assessment templates and guidance for individuals, organizations, and programs to identify strengths and gaps and develop targeted action plans to improve practice.

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