Physiopedia is an organization driven by dedication and teamwork, in which every person has a place and the opportunity to grow and contribute to something meaningful. Rehabilitation is an integral part of care around the world, and it is important to recognize the loyalty and efforts of those who make a difference.

Physiopedia has launched its second Annual Awards Program to highlight the valuable contributions made by staff and volunteers alike. There have been many nominations as there are many Deserved Contributors for each category. Special thanks go to everyone who took the time to submit a nomination for the 2020-2021 period. Just to remind you that the clock has already started for the next award period, you can nominate any person whom you consider worthy from July 2021 to June 2022.

The following people were immediately nominated by their colleagues for the honors mentioned below. Join me and offer all successful receipts as well as the countless nominees a joint BRAVO. Physiopedia thrives on the enthusiasm and dedication of its volunteers, contributors, staff and partners. The following individuals are honored for their outstanding contributions, accomplishments, and leadership.

Top contributor

This award is given to the person who has made the most contributions to Physiopädie content in the past year. This award is presented to Lucinda Hampton for the second time in a row. Lucinda is an editorial powerhouse and works on physiopedia pages on all topics. She is always available to other team members for feedback, mentoring and guidance. Their selfless giving has resulted in contributions to 1,152 physiopedia pages and 4,559 adaptations . We are happy to have you on our team! Well deserved, Lucinda!

Physiopedia superstar

The Superstar Prize is awarded to the person who has made outstanding contributions by one person to Physiopedia. This award received multiple nominations for many impressive candidates; however, one person stood out as the clear choice. Vidya Acharya is also an impressive contributor to Physiopedia content and isn't shy about leading our Topic of the Month, including Oncology and Spinal Cord Injury topics. Vidya has been a contributor since April 2018. Vidya, you are a dynamic leader and a superstar.

Best project

The development of new content is an important driving force in the creation of Physiopedia pages. Physiopedia has many partner organizations (including educational, clinical and professional organizations) that contribute to the growth of content on specific topics through Physiopedia projects . This year we highlight the efforts of Paul Hendrick and the Nottingham University spinal rehabilitation project. This project has been active since 2012 and, under the direction of Paul Hendrick, the Nottingham students added 29 pages to Physiopedia . Fantastic job team, we look forward to seeing what you can do in the future.

Social Media Impact Award

Where would we be without social media? Physiopedic initiatives, projects, content and posts are presented daily on multiple platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. This award is given to the person who helped advance the needle and gain an important rehabilitation presence on social media. This award is given to Shwe Shwe U Marma whose thoughtful posts and tweets helped spread the Physiopedia message. Keep sharing your voice Shwe Shwe, you are making a difference.

Physioplus Superstar

Physioplus offers an extensive repertoire of online courses, further training offers and opportunities for exchange with rehab specialists. It takes curiosity, time, and dedication to complete courses and learning activities; and we would like to acknowledge the efforts of Charlotte Bijkerk who earned the most Physioplus points . Charlotte is a student at THIM, the International School of Physiotherapy in the Netherlands. With her natural curiosity and professional discipline to complete so many online rehabilitation courses alongside her studies, we have no doubt that she will make a model clinician. Super Job Charlotte, we look forward to your influence on the physiotherapist profession and on the people who look after you.

Physiospot superstar

Physiospot is a great platform to show important topics and questions for the profession of physiotherapy. It is also a wonderful virtual stage to showcase initiatives and contributions from physiopedia. The Physiospot Superstar Award is given to the person with the most contributions or the most impactful contributions to the Physiospot platform; This year the honor goes to Claire Knott who wrote a popular article on Physiospot entitled: " What Every Physiotherapist Needs To Know About NSAIDs and Musculoskeletal Injuries". Claire's contribution has been viewed an impressive 7194 times since November 2020 . Claire has a talent for highlighting important scientific information and making it clinically accessible. Thank you for your valuable contribution Claire, you deserve to be our physiospot superstar.

Outstanding leadership

While many candidates deserve this recognition, there is one person who received overwhelming support for this nomination. Jacquie Kieck our media manager, together with the Physioplus media team, constantly produces high quality videos for Physioplus courses. Physioplus currently has over 327 courses posted on the e-learning platform and Jacquie's commitment and leadership are a key component in the success of these videos. Additionally, Jacquie was extremely hands on with the Physiopedia abstracts and presentations for this year's World Physiotherapy Congress. Jacquie was the main editor for the video of Dr. Nicole Beamish, who was recognized by Physioplus for her presentation on the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). There is no doubt that Jacquie's care and attention to detail contributed to the international recognition of Dr. Beamish contributed. Jacquie is a selfless leader whose modest confidence enables her to lead effectively behind the scenes. Keep it up, Jacquie!

Physiotherapy Impact Award

While this is another category that has received quite a number of nominations, we can all agree that the following person wholeheartedly deserves the Physiotherapy Impact Award: Joyce Murenzi . Joyce is a physiotherapy pioneer in Rwanda, having helped establish a physiotherapy school after the 1994 genocide. Affectionately known as the “mother” of physiotherapy in Rwanda, she has been contributing to rehabilitation training and practice for decades. After founding the School of Physiotherapy, she was also the Head of Department at the former Kigali Health Institute and currently teaches in the Department of Physiotherapy at the University of Rwanda. She is a true example of innovation through diversity and a pioneer in physiotherapy.

Innovation Award

This award deserves special attention as it highlights creativity and innovation in physiotherapy. With dynamic projects, our profession can grow and evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of patients and the health system as a whole. This year's honor goes to Lucy Aird . Lucy is one of our communications managers and she really gave Physiopedia a huge voice. Her creativity is impressive and her ability to turn ideas into action is impressive. Lucy is the driving force behind the new weekly updates Top-Tipp-Tuesday which were received with exceptional accolades by the community. Each week, she sifts through the most interesting news, posts, research, and clinical tips to come up with a reliable summary of innovative rehabilitation practices. It gives us a quick recap of what is important for us to have the opportunity to stay connected during our busy lives. Lucy thinks outside the box and the high quality that she produces is proof of how important her job is to her. Lucy deserves this award for changing the voice and presence of physical therapy online.

Global Impact Award

This award goes to a person who has shown a high level of consideration for others (colleagues and patients) and who always puts maximum effort into a specific project. This person took into account the current state of the world during this pandemic and decided to make a difference. Darren Brown is a clinical and academic physical therapist specializing in HIV, disability, and rehabilitation. He recently published a long COVID course on Physioplus, which to date has been completed by over 1,800 students. His positive reviews and meaningful experience reports prove that this is an important topic that will undoubtedly continue to be in the foreground of rehabilitative care in the future. Darren, thank you for making this information available worldwide and for promoting empathy, quality of treatment and thoughtful rehabilitation measures.

A special mention

Special greetings to Amanda Ager who has received nominations in several Physiopedia Award categories. She works in the daily administration of physiopedia and is happy to help with any project. She has led new initiatives, helped represent physiopedia at this year's World Physiotherapy Congress, and is a continuous source of support for the physiotherapy team. Thanks Amanda for everything you do!

Congratulations to all of our award winners.
Please take the time to pause and acknowledge the efforts of the above award winners. Your efforts have undoubtedly enriched your knowledge and impacted your practice. Send them a reminder of how important their contributions were to you.

A sincere thank you to everyone who believes in the physiopedia and its mission and who have made participating in this organization such an enriching experience. Keep an eye out for next year's awards and winners – maybe you are!

Summary of awards 2020-2021

Awarded for:

Lucinda Hampton
Top Contributor – Made the most posts on Physiopedia content

Vidya Acharya
Physiopedia Superstar – outstanding contributions by one person

Paul Hendrick
Best project – most effective content development project

Shwe Shwe U Marma
Social Media Impact Award – greatest impact through social media

Charlotte Bijkerk
Physioplus Superstar – person who has collected the most Physioplus points

Claire Knott
Physiospot Superstar – Person with the most posts and contributions to Physiospot

Jacquie Kieck
Outstanding Leadership – the person demonstrating great leadership as part of the Physiopedia project

Joyce Murenzi
Physiotherapy Impact Award – the contribution that has had the greatest influence on physiotherapy practice

Lucy Aird
Innovation Award – most forward-looking and most creative contributions

Darren Brown
Global Impact Award – the contribution that had the greatest impact on the global professional world

Amanda Ager
Special award – for total contributions and nominations in all categories

Well done and see you next year! Here you can submit your nominations for 2021-2022 !

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