An unknown year made easier by an unprecedented level of dedication and dedication to a single cause by a team like no other.

2020 was a challenge to say the least, but it is a challenge that the entire Physiopedia team lived up to and exceeded expectations. The Physiopedia team is made up of dedicated and dedicated volunteers who are primarily clinicians. Not only have they helped the people hardest hit by COVID-19 around the world, but they have constantly updated and created new content so clinicians can continue to learn about the pandemic.

Nowhere in the world is there the same commitment to a central mission as here at Physiopedia. The trustee and founding team is absolutely speechless about the team's achievements this year. Thank you for being part of our #GlobalPT community of users and volunteers.

To a bigger and better 2021.

Year in numbers

Physiopedia has grown in every way this year. This is well summed up by Rachael Lowe.


Below you will find a snapshot of the key numbers

3,611 Physiopedia pages
261,599 page changes
60 volunteers
1.8 million users per month
4.5 million page views per month
The average user spends 2 minutes on every page they view
350,000 views of COVID-19 course content

It won't be difficult to achieve more than this next year, but we will.

Look into the future

In the course of 2021, the Physiopedia team wants to exceed the successes of 2020 and maximize the momentum achieved this year. Expect big things with a renewed focus on developing bespoke content through partnerships with universities, clinics and professional organizations.

This can be done through content development projects or an individual curation of educational content such as our Top Tips Tuesday email. Our mission is to provide universal and fair access to all physiotherapeutic knowledge. So if you have any need, please contact us.

This was a snapshot of what Physiopedia has achieved that year. You can read the entire annual report from the link below.

Physiopedia annual report

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