A framework for the rehabilitation of posterior cruciate ligament surgery.

Injury to the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) can range from stretching to a complete tear or tear of the ligament. These injuries are less common than anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries because the PCL is wider and stronger, but easily overlooked. Similar to the ACL, the PCL is often surgically repaired in the event of a tear and poses special considerations for rehabilitation. Fortunately, Luke O’Brien is on hand to inform you about the details of the rehab after a PCL reconstruction.

PCL reconstruction rehabilitation

Injury to the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) can occur in isolation and in combination with other knee pathologies. Although PCL cracks are very strong, they are not uncommon. However, there is limited research to guide rehabilitation after reconstructive surgery. In this course, Luke O'Brien will share his experience in the rehabilitation of PCL injuries after surgery and how he prepares athletes to safely return to sports.

PCL reconstruction rehabilitation

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