After driving the kids to and from their youth group at church tonight, I sat down to watch the rest of the weekend.

Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. Park run with Logan.

9:30 am. Netball with Madison.

12 o'clock. Leave home for the hour and a half drive to see Hayden who is re-imagining a soccer game.

5pm – Drive Hayden from Game to a friend's house for a party.

9:30 pm – Pick up Hayden.

Sunday 10:30 am – Take Hayden with you to play his first football game of the season.

1 pm – Come home exhausted and sit on the couch.

It seems like a lot.

The weekend will probably drive a total of 7 hours, which is a bit of a daunting thought.

But to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.

To see how the children enjoy their activities is a privilege as parents.

You are fit and healthy and have made some good friends on your trip.

During these few hours they are not connected to devices, but live.

Attach it.

What are you doing this weekend?


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