With the advent of social media, it seems like everyone has a megaphone to speak into.

With a few words, spoken or written, we can throw our thoughts into the stratosphere so that the masses can consume them.

It doesn't take much thought or preparation. One stream of consciousness will suffice.

We can share the content we agree with or discuss with those on the other side.

It's fast.

It's easy.

It is dispensable.

It will be expanded immediately.

But it is also a responsibility and an opportunity.

We don't always see it that way, but it is.

We can complain and curse and look for sympathy.

We can abuse, belittle or ridicule.

We can discuss with those we will never meet or convince.

And we can feel superior about it.

Or we can build up and encourage.

We can heal others and help them grow.

Instead of building higher walls, we can tear them down.

Instead of shouting Vitriol over the abyss, we can whisper kind words of peace.

We all have a megaphone.

What do we hear when you speak into yours?


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