Today we are happy to start the ReLAB-HS Rehabilitation Resource Repository. The aim of this new website is to improve the findability and accessibility of high quality rehabilitation publications produced by organizations supporting the development and delivery of rehabilitation services and their integration into health systems.

The website will provide a single, easy-to-use, comprehensive, open, and searchable repository of high quality, evidence-based publications produced by organizations that support the global rehabilitation community. The aim is to make it easier to find resources that inform the provision of services and guide the conception and implementation of urgently needed rehabilitation services.

Visit the repository

Why do we need this? – Make searching easy

According to a recently published report, 2.41 billion people worldwide live in conditions that would benefit from rehabilitation services, with about 1 in 3 people in need of rehabilitation services in the course of their illness or injury, a need that is particularly evident in low-middle-income countries . Rehabilitation services have the potential to improve the functioning of the individual and his ability to interact successfully and optimally with his environment. However, in order to develop and provide optimal rehabilitation services, rehabilitation leaders and professionals from around the world benefit from easy access to up-to-date, evidence-based training.

There is a wealth of excellent evidence-based resources developed by rehabilitation actors worldwide that include guidelines, manuals and toolkits. These resources, related to the development and delivery of rehabilitation services, are extremely useful to organizations and individuals working to strengthen rehabilitation services in health systems. However, sometimes they can be difficult to find and / or found in the plethora of health information on the Internet.

The first of its kind – What you can find in the repository

The goal of the new Rehabilitation Resource Repository is to provide an open and accessible online portal that will provide high quality, evidence-based rehabilitation resources to anyone who wishes to use it. It contains rehabilitative manuals, toolkits, guidelines, protocols and guides that inform and support the development and provision of services.

Criteria for resource inclusion:

Relevant to one or more rehabilitation professions and other health system stakeholders related to rehabilitation.
Freely accessible and not subject to any copyright restrictions.
Contains only interventions, guidelines and guidelines that are supported by high quality evidence and indicate references where appropriate.

Your Entrepreneurship – Download and Contribute Resources

The repository is a fully searchable web portal available at . It was designed from the ground up to be useful and relevant to all rehabilitation actors and care providers around the world. This means that you can access the repository on mobile devices or a computer and anywhere you have an internet connection.

In addition to accessing the site from anywhere, you can upload it from anywhere. When uploading to the site, the repository manager reviews the submissions to ensure that the best content is available to access. The Resource Repository Manager will continue to search for and evaluate new resources in order to keep new resources easily accessible to all at all times.

Today access to the repository – made possible by ReLAB-HS

This rehabilitation resource repository was developed as part of Learning, Acting and Building for Rehabilitation in Health Systems (ReLAB-HS). ReLAB-HS is a global project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) that supports the development of health systems that respond to the growing rehabilitation needs of the population.

It aims to help design and implement innovative, comprehensive and cost-effective interventions that strengthen health systems for the provision of rehabilitation, including assistive technology. The ReLAB-HS consortium comprises six international partners with expertise in health systems, implementation science and delivery innovations.

As one of these partners, the role of Physiopedia is to develop resources to contribute to the development of the rehabilitation staff as online educational content for each part of the project.

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