One of my annual goals is to read 25 books about my trustworthy Kindle, and this year has been another year of learning and entertainment from some great writers.

I try to read a variety of genres and authors to ensure that I don't get too insular while maintaining my knowledge in areas of life that are important and interesting to me.

Of the 25 books I read in 2019, here are my top 10:

10. The Athlete: Greatness, Grace and the Unprecedented Life of Charlie Ward – Jon Finkel. I remember Charlie Ward when he played for the New York Knicks and liked to learn about Charlie's upbringing, beliefs, and NBA careers.

9. The Art of Growing Up – John Marsden. There was a lot to think about in a book about raising children with one of Australia's best-known educators and writers. I wish I had this book as the director of my child's school, but I'm still glad I read it now. I didn't agree with everything he wrote, but found it incredibly stimulating to read.

8. Hero Maker: Five basic methods by which executives can multiply executives (Exponential Series) – Dave Ferguson et al. Written in a church context, this is still an excellent guide book, based on the principle that leaders should make others heroes, not ourselves. Or as they say, "My fruit grows on other people's trees."

7. Dare to do it: brave work. Tough talks. Whole hearts. – Brene Brown. If it was written by Brene, I read it. If you want leadership, you should read it.

6. When everything is said and done – Neale Daniher. I have long admired Neale's exceptional courage and resilience since being diagnosed with MND, and I will be forever grateful that he wrote this heartwarming, inspiring memory. It says a lot about this list that there are five books left.

5. Once a runner: a novel – John L. Parker. I started running this year and was looking for a book on the subject to inspire and help me on my journey. This scratched the itch and they some. Wonderful storytelling that captivated me to the end.

4. Man's search for meaning – Victor Frankl. I feel like a heretic who puts it as low as it is a classic. I will never feel sorry for myself again after reading Frankl's story of his time in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II. A massive change of perspective and I am grateful to a former colleague who recommended him.

3. Made in Scotland: My great adventures in a small country – Billy Connolly. One of the funniest men in the world wrote this wonderful autobiography and it's a funny memory. Billy was one of my late father-in-law's favorites and he would have loved this book about Billy's upbringing in Scotland.

2. Stronger and braver – Konrad Marshall. Fortunately, after the 2017 AFL Premier League win that my beloved Richmond Tigers won in 2019, Konrad was at the finals to document the details of one of the most remarkable team cultures in world sports. Loved, loved, loved this book.

1. Blow off the bloody doors: And other lessons in life – Michael Caine. Part memoirs, part self-help book, that was great reading and my number one book for the year. Caine is a fantastic storyteller and I ask you to read it without hearing its accent in your head.

There it is, my top 10. It was difficult to compile a list this year because there were some great books that I could get my hands on this year.

I am always looking for recommendations. What was your favorite book you read in 2019?


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