"Don't let your fear paralyze you. The scariest roads often lead to the most exciting places." ~ Lori Deschene

I first learned about the concept of focus that creates reality in 2004 when I received William Whitecloud's book The Magician's Way.

The first chapter is about the main character who has a magical golf lesson. He learns that while playing golf, most of them think about how to hold the golf club, how to stand, and how to move the club. He calls this the "Swing Circle" and explains how golfers often get caught there instead of just focusing on where the ball should go. By shifting their focus, they could shift their results.

What is wonderful is that the process is completely reproducible for all of us in any situation.

At the time, I was an investment property consultant for two years and part of a team of fifteen consultants across Australia. I drove around and saw customers in their homes – mostly in the evenings – making just enough money to get through, but there was no way I was successful.

In fact, I was considered one of the poorest artists. I've worked long and hard, and while I believed in what we did, I didn't like it that much. After reading The Magician & # 39; s Way I started using the ideas to improve my work life.

I imagined having better meetings with my customers. I imagined my clients would further develop the real estate solutions I proposed. and my results started to improve.

But I thought it must be more. I was very drawn to study these ideas further. So I decided to take a class led by alumni from The Magicians Way to teach clients how to achieve their dreams by connecting with their authentic selves and innate creative minds.

One of the things I learned was that we are all intuitive beings. As we tune into our intuitive selves, we become powerful and expansive.

I discovered that when we give ourselves space to use our intuition about what we want, it comes from our higher selves through us. By focusing on what would make our lives better and using our intuition, we are infinitely more powerful and can create a life we ​​love.

For the first time, I really made space to see what I wanted from my unlimited self in my life. I realized that I could choose the direction of my future. That I was the creator of my life.

With this knowledge, I took a critical look at the various areas of my life for the first time in order to find out where I limit myself and where I can change the story that goes through my head. I have divided my life into the following areas:

Career & Business
Health & Wellbeing
At home
Travel & Adventure
social life
Hand back

In order to bring about changes, we must first be aware of our starting point. To move forward, we need to be honest with ourselves and face our current situation.

As I was assessing my life, I found that, other than my social life, none of the areas had the shape I wanted.

Usually we don't make change without a reason. Change usually takes place when dissatisfaction occurs or when we become aware that we are looking for a solution to our current problem. It is crucial to be really clear about what we want to change and understand where we are in relation to it.

How do we do it? How can we be objective about our current circumstances?

Most people do not regularly evaluate all areas of their life and give themselves a reality check. It can be difficult to face mediocrity or negativity. However, this type of "life test" is vital to understanding your current situation so that you can assess how far you are from what you want.

By creating space to see where each area of ​​your life is, you are creating a starting point for change, expansion and growth. They allow yourself to see what works, what doesn't, and what could be improved.

This may seem confrontational at first, but the more you allow yourself to go through this process, the more you will create sanity and momentum to advance the life you love.

A really powerful way to manage this process is to separate the different areas of your life and give yourself a rating of ten for each – ten is amazing, you couldn't get any better, and zero means the Case is absent or absent.

Here is an opportunity to go deeper with each area of ​​your life and give those areas an honest assessment so that you have a starting point for change.


Let's use an example. You may have given your romantic relationship a low rating. Start with what is lacking in your relationship and your partner.

Some examples could be:

We fight too much
The passion is gone
We don't spend enough time together
You don't respect me
I feel in control
We don't have fun together

Then turn it around. What do you or not contribute to the relationship?

I'm losing my patience with them
I don't give them any respect
I get mad at her
I feel like I want to control them
I'm not initiating a good time together

The more you can analyze how and whether you value your relationship, the more you can take on responsibility. The more you own up to your location, the more you can effect change. Focus on yourself first: how do I behave? How do i answer? Then ask yourself, what can I do differently to build the kind of relationship I want?

And since your relationship involves two people, you also have to ask yourself: What should my partner do differently? How can I communicate this without attacking?


How do you rate your finances? Most of us have blockages over money and the flow of money, usually due to the beliefs our parents have taught us. How can we change that if it's not clear where our finances are right now?

Ask yourself why you rated your finances this way:

I have enough money
Can I just make ends meet?
Am i in debt?
Am I fighting for money with my partner?

Knowing your numbers is crucial. Most people have no idea what their financial situation is like. Remember, it is impossible to move forward without knowing where you are right now. I check my complete financial position three times a year – at the beginning of the calendar year, at the end of the fiscal year and when I make my taxes.

Now that you've got your numbers straight, ask yourself the following questions to determine how you can improve your financial situation:

Am I living beyond my means?
Am I trying to fill an emotional void by buying things?
What can I reduce to save more money?
How can I increase my earning potential in the future, if not immediately?

Health & Wellbeing

List the reasons why you rated your health and well-being as you did.

Maybe you say to yourself:

I am not fit
I feel overweight
I am not exercising enough
I eat junk food
I drink too much

You may be aware of what you consume every day. Are you aware of what is going into your body, or are you subconsciously consuming food and drink? Now is the time to think about your movement. Do you take regular walks? Do you go to the gym or do you exercise?

Career or Business

How do you rate this area of ​​your life?

Consider these questions:

Do you love what you do If yes why? If not why not?
If you love what you do, what areas are there for improvement?
Do you understand why you do what you do?
What is that why
Do you feel energized or drained of energy by what you are doing?
Does your work align with your values?
Do you enjoy working with your colleagues?
Are you happy with your marketing and reach?
How is your time management

Most of our waking hours are at work, regardless of whether we are working for someone else or for ourselves. So if you don't enjoy what you are doing, it means that you are spending most of your waking hours doing what you don't want to do.

Of course, changing careers is not easy, but the first step is to acknowledge your dissatisfaction and make it clear what is possibly more fulfilling and why.

Knowledge & Learning

Are you expanding? Are you learning new things and trying new experiences?

Ask yourself:

Am I closed to new ideas?
Am I open or do I rely on what I already know?
Am I proactively looking for new knowledge for my career or business, or am I just looking for new knowledge for fun?
When was the last time I actively looked for a situation in which I could learn something new and broaden my horizons?

Travel & Adventure

Ask yourself:

Do I give myself space to travel, to see new things and to experience adventures?
Do I even know what's out there?
When was the last time I went somewhere on a whim?
If I can't afford to travel, how could I be more adventurous in my daily life?
How can I be a “tourist” in my region – what can I see, do and explore?


Ask yourself:

I love where I live
Is my house a home
Do I feel comfortable, safe and happy in my home?
Is my home a sanctuary?
Do I love the city, the suburb, or even the country I live in?
Do I like to invite people to my house or am I ashamed of it?
Do my friends and family feel comfortable in my home?

If you don't love where you live then you may find it easy to change or you may have to work towards the long-term goal of moving to a new place. But it might just be about making changes to your surroundings – de-cluttering your home, filling your home with your personality, or keeping work away from certain areas to make your home more relaxed.


How do you rate this part of your life? Did you even rate it? It's an area that is often neglected. I know when I started my personal growth journey, I thought my spirituality was nonexistent.

Spirituality doesn't necessarily mean organized religion – it is everything it means to you. Just take the time to think about how – or not – your spirituality will be promoted and what it could mean for you if you make positive changes in this aspect of your life. Ask yourself:

Am I part of a spiritual community and if not, would I like to be?
Do I give myself time to connect with nature?
Do I make time for spiritual practices that will renew my mind?
What does spiritual self-care mean to me?


Giving back means not only giving gifts or donating money or time, but also how much you give to yourself. how much you serve others, your community, or the environment. It is also about how well you think of others, your community or the environment and how we act.

Ask yourself:

Do I give as much to myself as I do to others?
Is there a balance between giving and receiving in my life?
How do I serve my loved ones, my community, and the planet?
How do I want to give something back and why?

Final thoughts

After checking your current reality, you may feel a little uncomfortable. This is a good thing and should be adopted. As I said earlier, looking into your position is so important as this is the starting point from which you can grow. It is this truth that sets you free. Well done that you went there.

You may also feel a little overwhelmed when you have realized that you are dissatisfied with several areas of your life. That's okay. You don't have to change everything at once or in a short time. You can start with the area that feels most urgent and identify a tiny step to make positive change. From there you can take another step. And one more until you feel more satisfied in that area of ​​your life and are ready to focus on another.

The first time I did this exercise, I realized that I didn't want to continue the way I was living and I wanted things to be different. I knew then that I had a choice. We have a choice all the time.

By sticking to your location, you are already moving forward into your vision. You can now start to really shift your focus to what you want to change – and then take action.

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