Message from the CEO: No return to regular: face new challenges

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Richard Yep, ACA CEO

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Richard Yep, ACA CEO

T August is usually a time when students of all levels prepare for their fall semester. The phrase “back to school” will become even more important in 2021, because for many students this will be the first return to face-to-face teaching after well over a year. Parents who have been involved in raising their children at home and online will see some return to pre-pandemic conditions.

But let's be very clear. This will not be a “return to normal” situation even as students go back to school, adults return to their offices, traffic on our streets increases, and no need to hoard disinfectant wipes. With all the convenience of being able to live more openly, perhaps maskless, there will be new challenges and situations that professional advisors will face with their clients and students.

In some ways, students in counselor training programs have the "advantage" of taking what they have learned and then applying it to our rapidly changing society. Today's PhD students can tailor their studies to clients and students who address issues such as pandemic, vaccinations, racial injustice, systemic racism, and climate change.

We are entering a renaissance in consultant education, preparation and training. Clearly, today's consultant graduates will form a cadre that will function well into the mid-21st century. One of our goals at ACA is to ensure that consultants can work for a decent wage and that they are given responsibilities appropriate to their education and training. I firmly believe that many of the challenges we face as citizens of the world could be overcome if more people enlisted the good work of professional advisors.

For those of you who work as a consultant, trainer, advisor, supervisor or mentor, what message would you like to convey to today's PhD students? How can you use what you learned in your career and help tomorrow's consultants apply your advice to increase their success with clients and students?

I think we are on the threshold of even greater public acceptance of professional advice. Our ACA Public Policy Agenda, as adopted by our volunteer leadership, has directed us to ensure that national and state-elected officials have a clearer understanding of who professional advisers are and what they do. Our communications department continues to be active in promoting the profession in mainstream publications and on social media. The combination of very talented ACA people and the technology to get our message out there means we can do more in terms of reach than some thought possible a few years ago.

In a way, we all go "back to school" because there is so much to learn about life in today's society. Regardless of your age or educational level, I encourage you to be aware of the changes that are taking place and how professional counseling will be part of this new age of solving critical problems.

I have said this several times in the many years that I have worked for ACA: I am so grateful for what you are all doing (and for our graduate students, what you will do). Consultants really make the world a better place. Knowing about your amazing work drives me to come to work and do what I do for ACA every day.

As always, I look forward to your comments, questions and thoughts. Please give me a call at 800-347-6647 extension. 231 or email me at [email protected]. You can also follow me on Twitter: @Richyep.

Get well soon.

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