Richard Yep, CEO of ACA

I In optometry, people hope for 20/20 vision. About 15 years ago, ACA launched the pioneering 20/20 initiative: A vision for the future of consulting. Well, here we are halfway through 2020 and I think our vision for what's ahead is cloudy. I never thought we would go through such an unfortunate and tragic situation. The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc in many areas of our lives.

However, I am convinced that unfortunate events bring to the fore some of the most amazing acts of kindness, care, and compassion. It is nature's way to let us know that there are good things in the world. Professional advisors have taken some incredible personal risks to help their colleagues, clients, students and communities. I honor you for the decisions you have made.

During my 30 years with ACA, I saw how employees and volunteer managers were strengthened in times of crisis. Exceptional people rise when we need them most. We had 68 ACA Presidents, but none have ever faced what President Heather Trepal did this year. The corona virus became popular in the United States seven months after her presidency. Eight months later, she had to involve the Governing Council in a special meeting in which its members made the brave decision to cancel the 2020 ACA conference. Now that she has ended her year as our President, I hope she realizes how important her leadership has been for ACA and the profession.

This was clearly not the presidency that Heather had envisioned. Nevertheless, she took the opportunity to become our first “Zoom” president. She didn't hesitate to lead our voluntary core of executives, committees, and task forces, while building relationships with peers and other professional associations. She was constantly thinking about what we could do to help PhD students who did not have enough practice hours to graduate and to help members develop their skills in telehealth health.

I'm sure there were some disappointments about what she couldn't do, but my guess is that Heather understood that she had to get up to answer an even more important call during her time as our President . We all thank her very much for her year of service.

I would also like to recognize the 60 people who make up the ACA staff. Although they have had to work from home since March 12, none of them missed a beat. Her care and dedication to her work as part of the ACA team was commendable. I am also impressed with how they continue to support each other, both on a professional level and as fellow human beings. I am very happy to work with such a great crew.

When we close ACA's fiscal year end of this month, it also means a transition of volunteers who have served at industry, regional, division, and national levels. Although I would personally like to thank each of you personally, I am not sure whether Jonathan Rollins, editor-in-chief of Counseling Today, would be too happy with the several additional pages I would need. Please know each of you who have worked as a manager or volunteer how grateful I am for your time and commitment.

As always, I look forward to your comments, questions and thoughts. Call me at 800-347-6647. 231 or email me at [email protected]. You can also follow me on Twitter:

Be healthy.

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