Message from the CEO: Change is occurring

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Richard Yep, ACA CEO

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Richard Yep, ACA CEO

O in the last 18 months we have seen changes in our lives, our work and our play. During this time, the actions of government, the media, our colleagues, and our communities have sometimes taken unexpected or surprising turns. We know that change is taking place, but the rapid acceleration we are currently experiencing could be unprecedented.

Now consider a member organization steeped in tradition, which was a mainstay of research reporting and maintains an ethical code that is decisive for the practice of working with customers and students. The American Counseling Association has existed for nearly 70 years. We haven't always been seen as a “speedboat” when it comes to change. Some would say that we are more like a giant steamship because changes in direction (i.e. the status quo) are not rushed. Sometimes it is advisable and advisable to take the time to draw a new course. However, there are also situations that require a much faster response in order for an organization to maintain its viability and demonstrate its vitality.

ACA changes. This year, the Governing Council, chaired by President Kent Butler, has already discussed issues that will have a major impact on the organization and ultimately on the profession itself. During the first quarter of this fiscal year (July through September), leadership and our incredible volunteers and hardworking staff were involved in determining how ACA will advance its action plan against racism; have increased their support for the Consultancy Agreement, which enables licensed professional consultants to offer services in multiple countries; discussed how the needs of a cadre can be met by professional consultants who want more professional development through a digital environment; and have examined the changing needs of members through a revision of the ACA's strategic plan and priorities.

At the employee level, we are making changes at both the operational and professional attorney level to meet the needs, aspirations, and interests of executives and members. For example, this fiscal year we will be looking at both a face-to-face ACA conference and an enhanced digital learning experience. With the ACA Virtual Conference Experience 2021 (where everything was presented in a digital environment) we set a modern visitor record. We also learned that more than 70% of registrants had never attended an ACA conference before. There is clearly a need for those who wish to learn online, and we want to meet that need.

Last year we also learned that many of our employees would welcome the further possibility of working from home. This led to the realization that we no longer needed an office large enough to have 60 employees physically in the same location. By moving to an office with a smaller footprint, I feel confident that we can maintain productivity for ACA while saving money at the same time. The move to our new, smaller office will take place at the beginning of 2022. During my more than 30 years at ACA, I have worked at four different locations. This latest has been designed from the ground up to meet the needs of 21st century workers. As a bonus, it will also be the most energy-efficient headquarters in our history.

A word that is clearly overused in management is "nimble". Regardless of whether you use this word or prefer "agile", "fast" or "lively", your ACA is on the move. We have learned to adapt to the changing needs of professional consultants, consultant educators, and PhD students. We do this by asking you what you want. We also do this by hearing from you directly. That's something that won't change. We would like to know how we can meet your professional requirements.

Accept the change and keep doing your amazing job.

As always, I look forward to your comments, questions and thoughts. Please give me a call at 800-347-6647 extension. 231 or email me at [email protected]. You can also follow me on Twitter: @Richyep.

Do it well.

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