Today I had the privilege of listening to a woman who is an expert on cybersecurity. She was a very sharp speaker with great authority in this area.

During the discussion, she spoke about social media influencers. She hails from a part of Australia where they appear to be widespread, and she made the observation that everything is so wrong.

“I see her in the supermarket and her life is not that glamorous,” she explained, “so please stop comparing your life to hers. There is nothing real to compare with. "

I giggled at the truth of this statement, wished my 13 year old daughter had heard it and then hoped for a moment that others would not compare themselves to me.

Just because I'm blogging about personal development doesn't mean I have it all.

Definitely not.

I'm not a millionaire.

I am not a top athlete in the best physical condition.

I am not the perfect husband, perfect father, perfect son, perfect manager, or perfect Christian.

I hope to be honest about my weaknesses and weaknesses, but like many others I suspect that I have presented myself in a light that may not be entirely correct.

So please don't compare yourself to me and feel inadequate because that wouldn't be fair.

I'm really not that impressive and if you don't believe me just ask my teenagers.

I try to be the best version of myself and I don't always reach this standard.

I'm trying to share what I've learned on my trip, but I still have a lot to learn.

Don't think of me as barking instructions from the top at you.

Think of me as someone who goes with you on our pilgrimages together.

The only comparison we should make is with what we were yesterday.

Everything else can be incredibly misleading.


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