Twice in two nights the authors discussed the history of Goldilocks and the importance of balance while reading completely different books on very different subjects.

Not too hot.

Not too cold.

Exactly right.

It is a principle that is easy to forget.

But when we find that balance, it can make a massive difference to our quality of life and the quality of our relationships.

We work too hard.

We don't work hard enough.

What exactly does the right thing look like?

There are those on the right-hand side of politics.

There's the one on the left.

What exactly does the right thing look like?

Finding balance is a constant challenge.

We feel that we got it right, then something throws us off balance.

It is not easy.

Important things are rare.

But let me encourage you to look for it today, at least.

Not too difficult.

Not too soft.

Exactly right.


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