I often wish I had found meditation much earlier in life.

Like in high school, where I once burst a stress ball by pressing it excessively, shot small beans or pearls or whatever filled the ball in all directions around my overloaded desk. Or in college, when the triad of my depression, anxiety, and bulimia felt like the foundation of my identity.

I wish I knew at a young age that meditation could heal me both physically and mentally and help me find a space in my mind that was not that loud and painful – not to mention the effects that he would have on my relationships.

It is almost impossible to be available to the people around you if you are constantly nervous, react quickly emotionally, and slowly let go.

Just as meditation creates space in our heads, it creates space in our relationships; it removes our insecurities, judgments and resentments and enables us to meet each other completely and authentically in the present moment.

Although I wish I had found meditation years ago, I probably wouldn't have believed you if you had told me then how profoundly it would change my life.

I now believe that meditation is the most powerful tool for personal transformation, and I am passionate about sharing the practice and its benefits – so I am pleased to introduce you to How as one Buddhist meditate the latest book by bestselling author and certified meditation teacher Cynthia Kane.

Before Cynthia discovered meditation, she often felt fearful, disconnected, and overwhelmed by her daily to-do list. Regardless of what changes she had made to her outside world, her inside world remained in chaos and she finally came to the conclusion that she was fundamentally broken.

Peace, presence and purpose escaped her until she had no choice but to address her feelings after a tragic loss. Cynthia destroyed herself and deteriorated both mentally and physically. She had to heal her mind, body and spirit. Then she found meditation. And like me, she was overwhelmed by its effects.

“If you had told me eight years ago that I would find peace in my life, make deep connections with others, see the beauty of the world, stop judging and evaluating myself all the time, and my relationship to fear, death and change stress and fear, I would never have believed you. But here I am sitting and writing this book to let you know that this is exactly what happened and that starting a meditation practice was the cornerstone of this way of life. "~ Cynthia Kane

And so begins How to meditate like a Buddhist, a book that teaches basic meditation practices and their benefits from a Buddhist perspective. When you reach the end of the book, you will know:

What is meditation and what is not
The simple tools you need to practice
The many types of meditation you can choose from
Some of the obstacles you will encounter while practicing
How to integrate meditation into your life with a meditative perspective

Each chapter begins with a Buddhist story or teaching and ends with practical exercises that help you bring the benefits of meditation into your everyday life.

The book even contains structured programs for a 10-day meditation challenge, a 30-day meditation challenge and a 1-day home meditation retreat.

Comprehensive yet easy to digest, How to Meditate Like a Buddhist describes everything you need to know to start a meditation practice and create spiritual freedom.

We cannot change the past or control the future, but we can always go back to the present moment and let go of our worries about what is behind us and our fears about what is coming. It is not easy and we will probably still have problems sometimes. But that's why it's called a practice. And the nice thing is, once we learn how to meditate, we can always come back to it, no matter how much time has passed.

The giveaway

To join and leave one of five free copies of How to Meditate Like a Buddhist, leave a comment below stating a reason why you want to start a meditation practice (or, if you already have one, what inspired you to start). . You don't have to write anything special and your comment can be as short or as long as you like.

You can enter PST until Wednesday, June 17th, until midnight. I will list the names of the winners sometime on the 18th above in this post. Please note that you will then have to check again that your name has been selected so that you can send me your address by email.

** Click here to read an excerpt from How to Meditate Like a Buddhist and sign up for a special live video workshop that will take place on June 22nd and is available to anyone who reads the book in any one Format buys!

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