You can stand in front of your people and make grandiose statements.

You can hang fancy slogans on the walls.

You can read books about culture and give them to all your leaders.

You can conduct surveys and focus groups.

But the culture is not shaped like that.

It is created by the way you treat the cleaner.

It's shaped by your facial expressions in good and bad times.

It arises every time you praise or give feedback.

It arises when you remember that the new guy has a pug.

It comes from what you ignore and what you point out.

It occurs when you realize that someone is having a bad day and you stop long enough to show that you are taking care of it.

It has emerged in the small, seemingly insignificant measures that you consistently take that in themselves do not mean much, but when they accumulate, they become incredibly effective and pervasive.

If you want to create a better culture in your workplace, you should not look for one great moment, but for thousands of opportunities to personally role models and demonstrate your core values.


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