How one can make optimistic adjustments in your present life state of affairs

I will share two real life examples of how you can obtain crucial groundbreaking discoveries that can directly help you bring about positive changes in your current life situation.

But first, before we see how easily this can happen and how inspiring it is (!), A quick question for you is…

Are YOU ready to enjoy some positive life changes?

I ask because this entire article is about how you can bring about positive change in your own unique life situation.

Below is inspiration, guidance, and practical tools from me to help you make the positive changes you want, no matter how small or large.

Let's go!

3 obvious steps for positive changes

To keep things REALLY simple, we can say that positive changes are due to three main things …

Decide what you want
Setting MINDSET & ENERGY to be successful
Take action!

Most people can name at least ONE thing that they want to change, achieve or create.

Most people can also name at least ONE small measure that could help them move in this general direction.

Why don't people quickly and regularly experience great positive changes in life as their norm?

The answer – we come in our own way!

It is very natural and very human that “things” are going on within us that are limiting us (mental blocks and low mood energy), and often we have no idea what these inner limitations are.

What is also very natural and very human is to wake up to these blockages, make the breakthrough and have the positive changes that we want. We are supposed to develop in this way.

It would be fair to say that I am absolutely PASSIONATE obsessed with locating and releasing these very blocks because I know the kinds of joyful and inspiring positive changes that happen when you do! I've experienced it for myself many times and also have clients in my coaching and programs.

Identify and resolve subconscious blockages that prevent positive changes

Here are 2 great examples of this …

[I’m sharing this in order to demonstrate for you that if YOU want positive life changes and you’re stuck, not taking action, or you are taking action but nothing is happening… you can have this same type of breakthrough!]

Breakthrough Insight Example No. 1

One of my coaching clients wanted to make positive changes in his health. They were clear about what they wanted and went to great lengths to make changes, but nothing changed.

“I am in pain, I am sick and there are nowhere answers. Nobody seems to be able to help me, and I can't figure out how to get out of this never-ending loop of bad health. Nothing I do makes a difference. It's been going for years and I'm exhausted! "

Then … they had a crucial breakthrough realization that without a doubt the door swung wide open for positive new life changes to occur!

After digging a little deeper (with immediate questions), we identified an important foundation block that was preventing this person from getting into true healing. A block that would certainly keep this person in a loop if they weren't seen and spoken to …

“I'm afraid of healing and health, because I don't know who I would be without this fight. That's all I know and I spend so much time and energy figuring this out. If I was okay I would have to find out what my life is about and set new goals and that feels insecure and scared. "

Keep this attitude in mind and fear naturally leads to avoidance of the goal.
Note that if you stay in the problem, there is what I call a "Security Payback".
Note that this block directly prevents positive life changes.

Important – This in no way means that there aren't very real physical health problems that must be adequately addressed for healing to occur. One thing is certain, though, although there are many beautiful healing solutions around the world for all kinds of health problems we may face if we go down a healing path with fears and beliefs that prevent us from accepting that healing we are likely to to get stuck.

That goes for everything we want in life – whether you want better health, love, intimacy, adventure, success, trust, money, career, business, relationships, everything!


What becomes possible when it feels safe to reach our goal (in this case healing) and we know exactly who we will be when we reach that goal (in this case a healthy, safe, happy person )? and we feel excited to have time and energy to do new things in our life and we feel safe within the unsafe / unknown new exciting limits that lie ahead?


Positive changes become possible (in this case HEALING becomes possible).

This person went from feeling confused and overwhelmed with no hope of healing to feeling calm and empowered to know what needs to change within to support their positive life changes. And perhaps most powerfully… knowing that what needs to change is something she can do for herself (change her mindset and energy).

Breakthrough Insight Example # 2

Now it's time to get personal. This example is about me!

For years I refused to do what I had to do to grow my business. I had convinced myself that I lacked certain skills (technology and marketing) and that some of the tasks needed to grow my business were “not my passion / interest”. So I just ignored the strategic elements of owning and running a business. Imagine the ostrich sticking its head in the sand!

Instead, I would imagine and manifest that I was able to reach and help more people in need and make the difference in the world for which my soul came here. Still, no visualization or manifestation effort seemed to make a difference.

As I became "real" with myself and looked for what I really believed in, I realized that the bubbling beneath the surface was that limiting mindset and the fear that came with it …

“If my business grows too fast, it means too much responsibility, longer working hours, stress and strain that I don't want, and won't be able to [ with ”.

Here I wildly manifested myself for making a bigger difference in the world, while at the same time subconsciously believing it was going to be a bad experience, and I refused that very result!

Notice that my goal was avoided.
Notice that the problem involved a "security deposit".
Notice that I haven't had any positive changes.


What becomes possible when you feel SECURE about getting the results you want, and you believe and feel able to manage those results on a daily basis, and you believe that your life will be more relaxed and enjoyable when you do live these results …


Positive change becomes possible (in this case business growth became possible).

I realized that I needed to change my beliefs and let go of fear in order to be comfortable, take the right actions, and open up opportunities for my business to grow. Since then, my online community and customer base has organically expanded over the years to what it is now. This is a big difference from my starting point. Go to show!

You are making positive changes in your life

Releasing limitations in thinking and low mood energy that prevent positive changes in life is … well …. LIFE CHANGE!

I have seen so many examples of this type of breakthrough insight over the years that have resulted in people changing their mindsets and energies for good to enjoy positive life changes that follow.

Stay with me … as this month I will help you have the same kinds of super powerful breakthrough insights for you.


If YOU weren't afraid of your goals and weren't afraid of success and weren't afraid of failure and weren't afraid to let go of what wasn't working in your life and you believed it was SURE to have what you want in your life , what would happen?


You couldn't be stopped!

What positive change would you like?

Take a pen and paper and write down a positive change you want in your current life situation.

It doesn't matter how small or large.

You may want to make a lot of changes (write them all down but prioritize and circle the most important).

Keep that one change in mind as we go through the following steps. I'm going to show you exactly how to identify any thought and energy restrictions that may be preventing you from making this positive change – starting with the coaching video and Q&A guide below …

How to identify internal constraints that prevent you from making positive changes

Make sure to download your free Q&A Journalling Guide from the button above. The PDF includes all of the prompt questions we cover in the coaching video and provides a tool to take away and use in your spare time to dig beneath the surface and spot any inner limitations that may be preventing you from making the positive changes the experience that you want to experience in your life.

This question and answer exercise can help you gain the same groundbreaking insights that I and my clients had that open the door to positive change!

Resources to help you make positive changes in your life

The following are a number of free resources and tools that you can use to make positive changes in your own life, no matter how big or small those changes may be.

STEP 1 – Basics for positive change and knowing what you want

STEP 2 – Identify and handle internal constraints

STEP 3 – Letting go of fear

STEP 4 – How to Transform into a Strongly Positive New Mindset

STEP 5 – Take Action

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