It's not about looking better, but about elevating others.

It's not about having all the answers, it's about asking the right questions.

It's not about recognition, it's about spreading praise generously.

It's not about who puts the ball in the back of the net, but who contributed to reaching the goal.

It's not about getting everything you can get, but about giving everything you can give.

It seems counterproductive, especially in a "me, me, me" world.

But if we leave our ego at the door, something strange happens.

We allow others to rise.

We allow others to search for answers.

We give others the opportunity to acknowledge us.

We allow others to see our indelible contribution to the team's results.

We allow others to be generous with us.

Let's make a positive contribution today and every day without having to caress our own ego.

Let's be sure there is enough recognition.

Let's focus on winning the team, not the individual awards.


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