The exact identification of the far-reaching systemic effects of spondyloarthropathy is the key to enabling early detection.

With many rheumatological diseases there are considerable delays in diagnosis. These delays consequently affect accurate, timely treatment and subsequent intervention, and most importantly affect the quality of life of people living in these stressful conditions. The UK Society for Rheumatology (BSR, 2015) has published a strategy report outlining the main challenges and opportunities for rheumatology services in the UK. They emphasized the importance of an early diagnosis and suggested a “12-week time window” in which patient care can be positively influenced by appropriately addressing a rheumatologist within this period.

In addition, a national rheumatoid arthritis and early inflammatory arthritis clinical audit was conducted with the aim of evaluating the early treatment of patients referred to rheumatology providers with suspected inflammatory arthritis in England and Wales. The audit confirmed that most people with early inflammatory arthritis wait too long from the onset of symptoms to the onset of disease-modifying treatment. The review also found that there were frequent delays in referring GPs and then further delays after their first referral. I would go further to conclude that delays also occur in the physical therapy practice.

In general, intra-articular features that are suspicious of synovitis and systemic inflammation are clear and are often noted; For example, the most important signs of inflammation (erythema, heat, edema) as well as pain, stiffness and restricted mobility. However, extra-articular manifestations (EAMs), those that are or occur outside of a joint, are often less well known.

Extra-articular manifestations are the key to early detection

In addition, these EAMs prove to be particularly elusive if:

Symptoms are palindromic (flare and do not return for some time)
The symptoms imitate the state of the musculoskeletal system or merge unnoticed between several rheumatic diseases
Patients cannot identify symptoms as related to rheumatology
There is a low index of suspicion for systemic inflammatory conditions

It is then easy to see why there are longer delays in diagnosis for some of these conditions. The delay is still around eight years for some conditions, such as axial spondyloarthritis (axSpa, formerly known as ankylosing spondylitis, AS), and there is a lot we could do to change that.

Physiotherapists have the option of believing having a possibility to recognize the signs and to quickly point out the appropriate path for the benefit of the patient with current instructions.

But where should I start? I propose the following:

Development of awareness of rheumatological diseases
Develop your inflammation pattern recognition
Note Extra-articular manifestations

Awareness of rheumatological conditions

 (BSR, 2015) "width =" 300 "height =" 187 "/> The inclusion of a possible inflammation diagnosis or differential diagnosis can be the hallmark of a holistic, alert and attentive clinician, similar to other systems like A high index of suspicion is justified vascularly or neurologically. </p>
<p> There are over <strong> 200 rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases </strong>. In terms of the volume of patients with the condition or the cost of interventions, the table below is a guide to the major medical conditions out there. </p>
<h2> Detection of inflammatory patterns </h2>
<p> An inflammation pattern can be independent from your initial assessment, can be mixed with other presentations or actually become clearer in subsequent patient sessions. </p>
<p> The following are some important indications of a potentially inflammatory pattern: </p>
<p><strong> Insidious </strong> beginning<br />
Morning joint or back stiffness <strong>> 60 minutes </strong> usually a few hours<br />
Symptoms <strong> settle with moderate activity </strong> and worsen with rest (often paradoxical for a “mechanical” pattern).<br />
<strong> Night pain </strong><br />
<strong> Family history </strong> rheumatoid diseases<br />
Beginning <strong> <45 years </strong> (can be younger in axSpa, 20s – 30s)<br />
Good response to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs</p>
<p> In addition, here are those that are often more relevant to spondyloarthropathy: </p>
<p>Chronic inflammatory back pain (<strong>> 3 months </strong>)<br />
Human leukocyte antigen B27 <strong> (HLA-B27) gene positive </strong><br />
Elevated <strong> markers of inflammation </strong> – CRP & ESR<br />
The presence of an inflammation of the spine in early and active diseases is best with <strong> MRI changes </strong></p>
<h2> Extra-articular manifestations </h2>
<p> As mentioned earlier, it is important to know the EAMs and the common signs or coexisting pathologies associated with rheumatoid diseases. <strong> A recent study on people with rheumatoid arthritis showed that 27% of the patients had extra-articular manifestations </strong>. In addition, Pieren et al. (2016) found that more than half of 394 patients with spondyloarthritis had an extra-articular manifestation, including psoriasis and uveitis. </p>
<p> The following <strong> common EAMs </strong> should be observed: </p>
<p><strong> <strong> Psoriasis plaques / rashes </strong> </strong></p>
<p>May be associated with psoriatic arthritis or spondyloarthropathy</p>
<p><strong> Inflammatory bowel disease (or history of IBD) </strong></p>
<p>Including Crohn's disease, celiac disease, and ulcerative colitis may suggest spondyloarthropathy</p>
<p><strong> Anterior uveitis (or iritis) </strong></p>
<p>Eye inflammation can occur with reactive arthritis or axSpa</p>
<p><strong> Inflammation of entheses </strong></p>
<p>Insertional Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciopathy, patellar tendinopathy for example<br />
Disorders of the attachment of tendons or ligaments to the bone (enthesis) are common in a number of conditions</p>
<p><strong> Nail anomalies </strong> (such as koilonychia and onycholysis)</p>
<p>Present in psoriatic arthritis and systemic lupus erythematous</p>
<p><strong> Dactylitis of the digits </strong></p>
<p>Frequently occurring "sausage numbers" in psoriatic arthritis</p>
<p><strong> Rheumatoid nodules </strong></p>
<p>More common in rheumatoid arthritis</p>
<p><strong> Purpura spots </strong></p>
<p>(apparently in Henoch-Schloein Purpura Disease)</p>
<p><strong> Interstitial lung disease </strong><br />
<strong> anemia </strong><br />
<strong> <strong> Keratoderma blennorrhagica rash </strong> </strong></p>
<p>Most common in reactive arthritis</p>
<p><strong> Dry eyes (and mouth) </strong></p>
<p>Common symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome, often associated with rheumatoid arthritis</p>
<p> <img decoding=

Summary and take away key

Patients with inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system often face physiotherapists in a number of situations that disguise themselves as a “mechanical” condition . For me, the exciting aspect of our role is deciphering these disguised symptoms, considering whether there really is a rheumatological element. By looking more closely at rheumatological conditions and their intra- and extra-articular manifestations, we as clinicians are in agreement with current knowledge and best practices.

Intra- and extra-articular manifestations are indications of a systemic inflammatory etiology, but we must of course be careful. We risk flooding our medical colleagues with inquiries to take our suspicions into account ; Insertion Achilles tendinopathy can easily be confused with rheumatological enthesopathy.

Nevertheless, in my opinion we still have to be suspicious. If we lead the thoughts and discussions successfully, we, as physical therapists, can help change the direction of care for people with rheumatological diseases and will further advance timely, accurate diagnosis, treatment and treatment.

This entry was originally published in June 2017 and written by Chris Martey . The page has now been updated for freshness, accuracy and completeness.


British Society for Rheumatology (2015) The State of Rheumatology in Britain: Insights into the Pressures and Solutions of the Service. [Accessed 11th May 2017].

British Society for Rheumatology (2016) National Clinical Audit for Rheumatoid and Early Inflammatory Arthritis: A Guide for Patients and the Public. [Accessed 11th May 2017]

Brukner, P. & Khan, K. (2012) Clinical Sports Medicine. 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. Australia.

Kalappan, M., Abubacker, N. R. T., Shetty, M., Rajendran, K., Rathinam, W. K. M. and Karuthodiyil, R., 2017. Investigation of extra-articular manifestations and disease severity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 3 (1), pp. 53-56.

Ledingham, JM, Snowden, N., Rivett, A., Galloway, J., Ide, Z., Firth, J., MacPhie, E., Kandala, N., Dennison, EM and Rowe, I. , 2017. Achieving NICE Quality Standards for Patients with Emerging Inflammatory Arthritis: Observations from the National Clinical Audit for Rheumatoid and Early Inflammatory Arthritis. Rheumatology, 56 (2), pp. 223-230.

Pieren, A., Peiteado, D., de Miguel, E., Espinel, M., Moral, E., Monjo, I., Paredes, MB, Tornero, C., Bonilla, G., Plasencia, C. and Nuño, L., 2016. FRI0405 Extra-articular manifestations in patients with spondyloarthritis receiving biological treatment. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 75 (Suppl 2), pp. 582-582.

Siegel, E.L., Orbai, A.M. and Ritchlin, C. T., 2015. Targeting extra-articular manifestations in PsA: a closer look at enthesitis and dactylitis. Current opinion in rheumatology, 27 (2), pp. 111-117.

Singal, A. and Arora, R., 2015. Nagel as a window for systemic diseases. Indian Dermatology Online Journal, 6 (2), p.67.

Stolwijk C, van Tubergen A, Castillo-Ortiz JD. (2015) Prevalence of Extra-Articular Manifestations in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases; 74: 65-73.

Websites [accessed May 2017]: www.arthritisresearchuk;;

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