From the President: A Time of Intense Difficulties

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Professional portrait of S. Kent Butler, the 70th President of the ACA

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p. Kent Butler, 70th President of the ACA

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S. Kent Butler, 70th President of the ACA

H Warning! We humans have encountered many critical situations lately, each of which has had a positive or negative impact on society in some way. History reminds us that the circumstances of these critical situations are often not new, no matter how much we consider our present problems to be unique.

If we take a step back, we can see that over time, people have faced trials and difficulties that at the moment seemed insurmountable but nonetheless survived. Some of these incidents were appalling and considered devastating. Others seemed much more lenient, with people getting knocked down but responding by getting up right back – often because counselors interfered in their lives. Kudos to the advisors who are in the void in these difficult times.

Over the centuries we have shown ourselves to be able to make the best of bad situations. This does not mean that what a person is going through isn't a hardship, just that it may be new to them and old hat to others. As we suffer through things, we may not believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel, but the truth is that we often come out better and stronger on the other side of the trouble because we endured it. Somewhere in our trouble we can learn a lesson if we really listen – actively listen – and are ready to hear it.

While our current pandemic is rightly viewed as a crisis, historical records tell us that it is not the first in the world. So what did we learn? I am not making this comment or question in order to minimize or neglect how traumatic the past 18 months have been to our society. Rather, they should acknowledge that for many of our global citizens this is the first time that they have experienced something of this epic dimension.

In many ways, the main function of a crisis is to shake things up, to tap into us personally in order to deal with and control the consequences. If so, crises can be viewed as the ultimate scenario – circumstances that come before us to fuel our development and strengthen our resolve. It is conceivable that we hold onto important insights from our past (from previous crises) and have learned over time to be resilient – which makes dealing with history such an important aspect of life. To this end, a famous quote from Winston Churchill, "Those who do not learn from history, condemned to repeat it," makes a useful and valid point. Do we listen and do we learn from our past? It's all very fascinating and makes me wonder what will be reported in the future about our living conditions in 2020 and 2021. No doubt, time will definitely tell.

It is safe to say that everyone will experience a personal crisis in their own way in the course of their lives. However, culturally appealing consultants are equipped with all the tools necessary to help their clients find and leverage their resilience. The following pages in this issue of Counseling Today should provide all counselors with valuable information that can help them best serve their clients. After reading it, take some time to ponder the information or to consult with your peers to hear their perspectives and to build on your existing knowledge and skills. You could come across brilliant new ways to optimize what you are already doing well and achieve so much more success in your practice. As soon as you embrace this newfound or reinvented knowledge, #ShakeItUp a little and #TapSomeoneIn so that you too can do a great job with your clientele.

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