Hello friends! As you may know, I always enjoy free events that can help us to heal, find peace, and learn to treat each other with more patience, kindness, and compassion.

And I am particularly passionate about mindfulness. The more awareness of the present is promoted, the better we can deal with our sometimes overwhelming emotions and the chaos in the world around us.

For this reason, I am pleased to invite you to the upcoming online summit in the footsteps of Thich Nhat Hanh.

Thich Nhat Hanh touched the hearts of millions of people with his message of peace, non-violence and friendliness. From difficult beginnings as a Vietnamese monk who was forced into exile life, Thich Nhat Hanh was instrumental in bringing Buddhism to the West.

Join from March 25th to 29th (free!) To experience the legacy of the Plum Village through the insights and guided practices of nine leading teachers who trained directly with Thich Nhat Hanh. This transformative event offers a rare opportunity to connect with the heart and home of its living Dharma tradition.

Register here for free to explore 5 key topics and dozens of teachings, guided meditations, and reflections during this online experience:

DAY 1: Building a foundation of mindfulness

Explore key teachings on mindfulness, meditation, and walking meditation that are supported by guided practices and considerations.

DAY 2: Understanding our Minds with Buddhist Psychology

Dive deeper into Thich Nhat Hanh's insight into the nature of our minds: How can we best relate to others? How can we make our media consumption mindful? And how can we work with our own strong emotions?

DAY 3: Embodiment of the Beloved Community: Relationships and Community Building

Get transformative insights into relationships and the meaning of community by looking at topics such as the importance of love, the healing of the inner child, and meaningful and compassionate connection with others.

DAY 4: Interbeing: Taking Care of Mother Earth

How can we return to Earth and restore our self-image as part of an overall picture? Discover concrete strategies to heal our alienation from the earth, to experience gratitude, and to be mindful in the present moment.

DAY 5: Making a future possible

How can we mindfully and even joyfully deal with a world in turmoil? Research practices and skillful measures that can help bring courage and kindness to the greatest challenges of our time.

I believe this powerful event can help us to transform our pain into understanding and compassion and to develop peace for ourselves and the world. Here you can register for free. I hope it is beneficial for you!

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