[ Editor's Note: This is the fourth article in a series on action plans for different walks of life during the COVID-19 pandemic.]

During this period of physical distancing, a new standard for limiting touch was created. Although touches in American culture are often only a few and short touches compared to other cultures, these short touches contribute significantly to our emotional well-being. Many have missed the little touches of friends and family that have connected them on a deeper level, or the social courtesy of a handshake during the introduction.

Social distancing was necessary, but a great challenge. But after a period of quarantine and isolation from friends and family, a bigger challenge may be returning to normal interactions where you touch without fear and agitation. There are mixed feelings. Some people feel relieved and grateful as restrictions are gradually loosened, while others experience frustration with the “new norm” or fear that others may still infect them with the virus.

Regardless of which side you step on, it is important to remember that touch creates a human bond that is especially necessary for building a healthy, connected community. Studies show that we have to be touched and touched. Human touch is crucial for well-being. It leads to the release of oxytocin, also called "love hormone", which regulates your fighting or flight system and soothes your body in stressful times.

Studies also show that lack of touch can be harmful to health. In experiments with monkeys, researcher Harry Harlow showed that young monkeys who had not been touched did not grow and develop normally. We now have to work to return to where we can touch without fear or doubt.

In the meantime, learning to express warmth and affection through words continues to help us. Here is an action plan for it.

Pictures from the United Nations COVID-19 response page at unsplash.com

1) Focus on the future.

Every storm passes. And this will also pass. After a period of quarantine or isolation, you may feel feelings of relief and gratitude, or even feelings of personal growth and increased spirituality. Just as fear was once spread, hope and security can also be transmitted socially.

Seeing crises as an opportunity to rethink and reorganize our priorities will prove beneficial. Crises offer opportunities for improvement that are not always possible under other conditions. The analogy of a diamond can apply here. The beauty of the diamond is based on the extreme experience of pressure and heat. This also applies to us. We will emerge stronger from this situation and the complex challenges we have faced and are still facing. Let us focus on a future full of hope.

2) Prioritize your mental health and be flexible.

It can get worse before it gets better, but we're still here. People have a great ability to adapt in times of suffering.

Prioritizing your mental health can be one of the best things you can do now. For many, this means continuing to see their therapists or booking online sessions to talk about things and deliberately practice self-care.

It is normal for us to feel fearful when reintegrating into society. However, if you experience symptoms of extreme stress such as constant sleep disorders or an increase in alcohol or drug use, a visit to your doctor or a psychiatric professional can make a positive difference. Mental health is vital to the general health and well-being of all people, especially in difficult times. Focus your attention on your strengths and abilities and imagine how you can manage and adapt successfully.

Flexibility is adaptable. It is imperative that we create a foundation for healthy coping and stay in touch with our values ​​and with each other. Gratitude is a good first step to open the door to flexibility. The more you practice gratitude, the better your brain can recognize positive things.

First think about something or person for which you are grateful. Concentrate on the feelings that arise and keep them in your heart. Know that you can always return to this thought of appreciation as you move forward.

3) Be optimistic and resilient.

Optimism is the tendency to see and judge things in their most positive or favorable result. Resilience is our ability to overcome difficult circumstances and grow in the face of adversity. These characteristics will be critical to our recovery efforts. When we are anxious, we tend to overestimate and exaggerate the effects of a negative event and underestimate our chances of recovery. Resilience gives us a realistic balance.

The ability to deal with adversity will be another crucial component for our future success. Even if you, or someone you love, have been diagnosed with coronavirus, maintaining an optimistic stance is vital to helping recovery. If you're optimistic, you can make your thoughts and feelings a lot more positive, which in turn will give your immune system a boost.

The experience of the corona virus does not have to become a traumatic and overwhelming experience that has characterized us for a lifetime. On the contrary, it can be an excellent opportunity to exercise our resilience – that is, to grow in the face of adversity.

Religious people involved in tragic circumstances often report finding peace, hope, and even more trust in the midst of experience. As a result, they tend to report high levels of satisfaction in their lives. "We are hard pressed from all sides, but not depressed … depressed, but not destroyed" (2 Corinthians 4: 9).

We can all benefit from this kind of optimism. So let's start filling our world with music and songs of hope to prepare us for the big festival that awaits us. We'll meet again. We will celebrate again. Let's get started.


Esther Scott, LPC

Esther Scott is a licensed professional consultant in Arlington, Texas. She is a solution-oriented therapist. Her areas of expertise are grief, depression, coping skills and couple counseling. Contact them through their website at positiveactionsinternational.com.


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