The modern world is often a challenge and an overreaction to the nervous system of sensitive individuals. If you think of the nervous system as a container, the nervous system of a highly sensitive individual could process 100 cups of information while someone without that feature might have few. Highly sensitive people (HSPs) absorb more information, more details and more data, and feel more intense than 80% of the population.

If we do not have enough downtime to process everything in this container, our system gets overwrought. Our body can not even handle toxins well if these 100 cups do not have enough time to download and process properly. Imagine the HSP brain as a supercomputer. If you constantly download data, the supercomputer crashes. Also our nervous system is wired so. If we continue to download data into the nervous system container without giving it time to catch up, we either freeze, implode or explode.

How "Freezing" Can Look


Anxiety panic attacks Uncontrolled feelingRain, out of controlCarefulness for deterioration or creation of chronic health conditionsReduced response of the immune systemSoul general condition

Exploding power looks like …

Emotional CollapsesIrrational Thoughts and BehaviorsHighly irritating and focus issues, irrational fears magnified) Relationship problems may arise or worsen

When we rest, restore and process the right amount, we can live in balance and truly thrive and access all the gifts that come with it Characteristic are connected. You have a supercomputer brain and superpowers as HSP, but only if you control the input and output of this nervous system container. By doing so, you will gain access to many high sensitivity gifts that have 20% of the population.

Gifts and positives that you can access as a highly sensitive person when balanced

You can read micro-expressions and body language that are 80% false. and joy can be magnified. They are extremely enlightening. Your supercomputer is strong and helps you to learn new data quickly. They give people the feeling of being safe and being listened to. They know what others need. They can be excellent, attentive partners and parents. Creativity and artistic skills are strong and often advanced. Most Caring and Compassionate People

How do we slow down overactivation and balance the nervous system?

We recommend at least two hours a day and one day off per week to quietly reflect, process, rest and recover the system. If you can spend this time in nature, this is often more beneficial and leads to even faster results.

When you practice mindfulness and meditation, a "muscle" builds up in the brain that helps you slow down the overactivation and deactivate the overactivated stress response. Exercise, even a daily, mindful walk or yoga can be wonderful gifts for your sensitive body. Breathing techniques such as inhaling to four, holding to two and exhaling to seven activate calming centers in the brain.

Practicing about five cycles a day or even several times a day results in a calming signal to the nervous system. A healthy diet also helps to reduce toxin formation in the sensitive system. The care of your sensitive body and the increasing compassion and the increasing self-care have a positive effect on your well-being!

Even as sensitive people in an overwrought world, we have control over our balance. You have the gift of awareness that allows you to track why you feel best. If you feel bad, rewind the tape of the day and find out why you felt that way so you can reduce and change it. When you feel good, rewind the tape and find out what has helped you feel good. In this way, you can create a life template that keeps you balanced and healthy. If you live in harmony with what works for you, you can really thrive and thrive!

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