In this article, we focus on being at peace in ANY situation, with proven practical steps that you can easily apply.

We will cover the following:

6 examples of difficult real life events that show it is possible to find peace no matter what.
8 Best Practices That Can Help You Have Peace In You
26 Self-Directed Free Resources for Pain Relief and Inner Peace Improvement.

Peace is a superpower

When you feel peaceful inside you are more effective personally and professionally.

You will find that you have clearer intuition, clearer thinking, easier decision making, better communication, more productivity, and better wellbeing and happiness.

But there are MANY things in life that can disturb your peace.

And it seems impossible to find peace amid these challenges.

I hear you.

Today I am going to give you examples of 6 difficult situations in real life that show that it is definitely possible to be at peace no matter what.

All you need is simple, best practices that are EASY and FAST to implement when you are feeling unsettled (see below!).

First things first, it's worth asking just to make sure we're on the same page …

Do you want MORE inner peace?

Peace of mind, peace in your body, peace in your relationships, peace during your work day, peace in all areas of your life?

I am going to give you proven practical methods to step into peace now, no matter how you are currently feeling, no matter what is going on in your life.

If you apply what I share with you below and bring about a completely open mind and a willing heart, you will have more peace than at the beginning.

Ready? Let's go!

Some basic truths

Peace is priceless (everyone who has suffered knows the deep value of inner peace) and it is your birthright (you are meant for peace, not pain).
You don't have to change the life around you or be in control of external factors to have peace within (but from a state of internal peace you can certainly more easily make powerful changes to make your external life the way you do want it).
There is nothing wrong with you struggling and feeling stressed, anxious, anxious, angry, frustrated, lost, or not feeling peaceful in any way! We are often not taught peace strategies, but as adults we are ready to learn!
All you need is your willingness to have more peace.

6 painful events that turned into peace

The following are 6 real-life examples of situations in which I have personally experienced suffering (e.g. stress, tension, anxiety, fear, anger, annoyance, frustration, confusion, alarm) in which I have precisely used what I used to teach you this month and the steps brought me back to inner peace.

Someone stole my money.
Close friend broke trust, which destroyed the relationship.
I sold my car when I moved to another country and when I was about to get on the plane the buyer called and said the car was faulty – it wasn't (!) But PANIC kicked in anyway!
Beloved cherished four-legged soul companion died.
A personal project in which I had invested a lot of heart, time, energy and resources ended unexpectedly and abruptly.
Was blamed for someone else's bad behavior that had nothing to do with me.
Oh and an additional example of good measure … # 7 … world chaos (we all know this one!)

Some of these situations date back to many years when I was just starting to learn my approach to peace. Sometimes it took me days, weeks, months (or longer!) To come back completely in peace. I had no one to show me how to do it, I was just my way to find peace!

But in the course of time it happened the easier and faster the more I learned the reliable way to peace. It now takes me minutes or hours to find peace of mind when life triggers me (or when there are blessed moments … realizing that something difficult is happening and I don't feel tripped at all).

Moral of the story – with simple steps and a willing heart you can become super good at this peace matter!

There is no need to carry the burden of past pain or difficulty with you as you travel into each new day and forward in your life.

What peace is NOT …

Just to be clear, to have peace, that doesn't mean:

Imagine being okay with something painful, or condoning something that has hurt or upset you.
Ignore the facts of life, turn a blind eye, or be in denial.
Running away from something to avoid triggers.
Don't do anything practical about the facts of your life situation (to bring about positive change).

Peace methodically helps you to find calm in the midst of turbulence, to preserve your personal strength and all your energy and to use this to your advantage and for a greater good.

8 ways to more peace

In the following we will walk 8 ways to have more peace.

In some situations I have followed all 8 of these steps below.

But sometimes I'll just take one step and realize that that's all I need.

You can go "all in" with the 8 steps or select, mix and match!

1. Let go of the stress (GET CALM)



4. Confirm what you can / cannot control (REALITY CHECK)

5. Forget and forgive to be free (make courageous decisions)

6. Alternative exact perspectives (CRAFTING A NEW VIEWPOINT)


8. Avoid pain and pay attention to peace (PROACTIVE SACRED RITUALS)

Above is just an overview to help us get started.

The following is a breakdown of the notes for each of the 8 Steps for Self-Guided Learning, including the associated free resources to help you apply each step.

This is based on a live class that we held in the church. If you missed this course, you can use the following pointers in your own time (or you can access the video and audio coaching review in our EvolveHQ membership >>)

8 proven ways to more inner peace

These 8 steps will help you to relieve:

the burden of the past
Pain in the present
or fear of the future

Take the time to ponder each point and record your thoughts.

1. Let go of the stress

We'll be quiet first …

Related resources:

2. Allow and accept

Next we stop fighting "what is" …

 being at peace "width =" 1600 "height =" 900 "data-pin-description =" Here are 8 simple ways to be at peace here and now, no matter what is going on in your life situation . You can use all or some of the steps, depending on what matters most to you ... "/> </p>
<h4> Related resources: </h4>
<h3> 3. Absolute Facts Focus </h3>
<p> Now we will drop any additional meaning, interpretation, or "story". </p>
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