I love music and have a number of artists on my playlist.

Luciano Pavarotti, Aretha Franklin, Freddie Mercury, Stevie Wonder and Joni Mitchell sing to me regularly, their genius can be seen.

But when I listen to these wonderfully talented people, one thing strikes me.

They are each amazing singers, but they each have their own voices.

You are brilliant and yet different.

My oldest son often asks me who is the greatest singer of all and I start listing a whole bunch of names.

"But who is the best?" he asks urgently.

“They are all great in their own way. The best is a matter of opinion, ”is my standard answer.

Like me, you may not be a great singer, but you can still be great at something.

And while it may be others who are elite in what you do, you can still be great in your own way.

With your own voice.

And your own perspective.

And your own way of expressing your abilities.

Feel free to let the symbols in your area influence you, but find your own voice.

This is what we are looking for.

This is what you are supposed to deliver.


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