Physiopedia and Physiopedia Plus (Physioplus) are helping universities and students overcome the challenge of clinical internship interruption by offering alternative virtual internships during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

As we move through the beginning of 2021 and into a third wave of COVID-19 infections around the world, physical therapy students and universities are still trying to make up the lost clinical and teaching time lost during the first and second waves has gone to make amends. Even if the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine is in full force worldwide, the lost clinical and educational time will be felt for many months and even years.

Physiopedia is primarily an educational organization, and students are a large part of our community, both in terms of users and volunteers. This is why we advocate wherever we can to make up for lost clinical and educational time by offering alternative, predictive and collaborative alternative virtual mediation options.

We are already helping many universities focus quickly on virtual internship opportunities by offering our expertise in remote working, universal access to quality education and the creation of bespoke online learning opportunities. We can do this in different ways through our learning platforms Physiopedia and Physioplus.

Possibilities on Physiopedia

Physiopedia is the world's largest and most popular physiotherapy website (# 48 in Health and Medicine) and has a proven track record of tailoring learning opportunities for physiotherapy students of all levels from around the world. Our Content Development Projects are the best known and use tailor-made learning options. Successful projects have previously been carried out at many universities around the world.

We offer three different content development projects for professional associations, hospitals, clinics and educational institutions. To learn more you can visit the CDP page on Physiopedia.

In summary, content development projects:

are a great way to share and promote knowledge with colleagues, clinicians and future employers . It is better than producing work that is in a drawer or shelf collecting dust.
provide a means for early professional publication
can be edited and published without the knowledge of special web skills

Examples of content development projects are:

High quality written case studies are often viewed as the academic component of internships and collaborations in Physiopedia. To pass an order, it must meet all the detailed requirements and the standards are high.

Kim Jackson is the Physiopedia Content Manager and oversees the CDPs and case studies.

The students are subject to a high academic standard and often achieve a postgraduate level of achievement by the end of the project. We use guidelines and a supportive environment so students can thrive and maximize their potential. Case studies are written in English, between 1,000 and 3,000 words, contain at least 5 high quality references, and include a detailed description of the literature search, a discussion section and a clinical conclusion to support clinical reasoning.

Students have access to a case study template that they can follow to ensure they are on the right track and solidify their learning, which can be tailored to the needs of each higher education institution.

Like the CSP, HEE, and regional AHP faculties, Physiopedia offers unique insights into project management, networking, education, and teamwork that students may not otherwise be exposed to. If you have an idea, we would be happy to work with you to implement it.

Contact Rachael Lowe to discuss PP collaboration.

Possibilities on Physioplus

Physioplus is a unique and tailor-made learning platform that was specially developed for physiotherapists. There are over 250 courses created by internationally renowned experts that provide students with insight into advanced clinical considerations and frameworks that they would normally wait years to encounter. The value that Physioplus offers students is reflected in the fact that universities around the world are integrating Physioplus courses into their curriculum. Since Physioplus is supported by Physiopedia, the internships would have access to the entire expert infrastructure and organization that Physiopedia is known for.

There are exciting new opportunities for students to become not only part but also the driving force behind new initiatives. Part of Physioplus' mission is a commitment to providing low and middle income countries with sustainable, high quality CPD. Students who do an internship at Physioplus would have to put their awareness of current issues in our profession in a global context, which only a few organizations can offer.

It is generally accepted that digital and online learning will be part of our overall professional development. Physioplus is at the forefront of this movement and paving the way for what is possible. It is a unique opportunity for a student to be a part of it early in their career. He has the potential to transform his understanding and development in ways that were not possible before the pandemic.

In summary, Physioplus can offer students:

An insight into learning architecture and educational theory through peer review of educational content
an opportunity to learn about topics that are not otherwise part of the traditional internship curriculum . A similar (and pandemic-friendly!) Experience to an internship
an opportunity to reflect on lifelong learning opportunities and how online and in-person learning can be combined
a unique opportunity to put current issues in our profession in a global context with a focus on sustainable education in low and middle income environments
A facilitated experience in the simulation style can be offered by the tele-rehab solution, which is only available to Physioplus members.

There are many more options and we would like to sit down and brainstorm with you to see what is possible . However, the teams at Physioplus and Physiopedia know that students prefer to be matched in person, although this is not possible, we are here and ready to help.

Contact Rachael Lowe to discuss


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