Madison and I cooked a family dinner tonight.

I'm not a great cook, but Maddi had a recipe she wanted to try, so we went to the local supermarket to buy some ingredients.

It was a simple chorizo ​​carbonara with fettucini and it was delicious. In fact, her twin brother Logan declared it the best homemade food he had ever consumed. That's high praise from a growing 12 year old boy.

But it's not about the quality of the food.

It's about the quality of the memory that was created.

Maddi jumped around the kitchen, so excited about the process.

She set timers, turned the ovens off when she shouldn't, and prepared the carbonara sauce with the precision of a moderately intoxicated dog groomer.

And she loved every minute of it.

Today, much of our state has been banned from this hybrid of a virus.

Much of the community is concerned and stressed about the future.

But her memories of today will be spending time in the kitchen with her father, preparing a meal, developing an ability, and loving life.

What memories will you create for you and your loved ones in the midst of this chaos?


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