There are a few neighborhood dogs on our street that occasionally go on a noisy evening barking tour.

I don't know if they are overly protected.

Maybe you are nervous and afraid.

It could just be that you like the sound of your own voice and just can't help yourself.

I think we all met people like that.

They think that those who look different want to get them, so they bark to keep them away.

Maybe they're scared and afraid so they bark to sound bolder.

Or maybe they mistakenly think that they have a lot to say that we all need to hear and their only way to be heard is to drown out everyone else.

It happens personally.

It happens in remote meetings.

And we've all seen it on social media.

I just want to say stop barking.

There is much to do and those who look and sound different can become wonderful friends if you let them get close enough.

Fear sells, but you don't have to buy. Don't try to puff your chest up and act harshly, just be yourself. We love you for who you are.

And your voice is important, but also the opinion of others. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Listen, listen, listen

There are enough angry voices in the world.

Stop barking!


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