
PCL Reconstruction Rehabilitation – A New Course on Physioplus

A framework for the rehabilitation of posterior cruciate ligament surgery. Injury to the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) can range from stretching to a complete tear or tear of the ligament. These injuries are less common than anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries because the PCL is wider and stronger, but easily overlooked. Similar to the ACL, the PCL is often surgically…

21 Fascinating Quotes from George Washington

As the first President of the United States George Washington had to provide an excellent example for future generations. As a military and political leader and strategist, he was the only man who unanimously elected the college and served twice as president. His actions and personal philosophy have had a strong impact on American culture. I created this collection of…

F + A: Assist for shoppers affected by dementia

The Alzheimer's Association estimates that 14% of people ages 71 and older in the United States have some form of dementia. Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Every diagnosis of dementia affects not only the individual, but also his entire supply network – emotionally, relationally, financially and…

High 30 Superb Hugh Jackman Quotes

Australian Actor and Singer Hugh Jackman immediately became a star for his role as Wolverine in Bryan Singer's X-Men. However, the man is much more than the iconic action character. He is a loving father of two adopted children and a valued Broadway actor and singer. Unlike many of his Hollywood counterparts, Hugh Jackman appears humble and down to earth…