"Mind what other people think and you will always be their prisoner." ~ Lao Tzu We carefully select what we wear in the gym to ensure that we look good in the eyes of the other athletes. After meetings that went through everything we said (or didn't say), we got beaten up and feared that employees might think we weren't…
First things first, happy 2020! It is a new year full of promises and opportunities. If you've had a hard time last year, it's now in the rearview mirror. If it was full of blessings and opportunities, you are probably excited to see what the new year could bring. Regardless of how 2019 was planned for you, you probably have…
"You have to accept pain as a condition of existence." ~ Morris West That may sound counterintuitive, but this year I want to let go and try to avoid suffering. This does not mean that I am a masochist and plan to spend the next year unhappily. Rather, it is about learning to accept life as it is – uncertain,…
F or most of her life, the woman did not allow herself to eat cake. She feared that if she started, she could never stop. The presence of cakes at every birthday party she attended was tormenting her. Her thoughts about cakes kept her so busy that she imagined eating cakes. The woman's unhealthy relationship with food eventually led her…
Well, here we are again at the end of another year. 2019 was another big year for this humble little blog and I've had more than 2.6 million views since it started in 2010. Thank you for your support this year, I appreciate all of you very much and trust that 2019 will be your best year so far. I…
Many of us start the new year with great goals and ambitions. We think about everything that seems to be missing in our lives and imagine ourselves on the other side of the massive change much happier and more fulfilled. There is no denying that certain benefits can increase our life satisfaction, but I have found that our daily habits…
There are two more leadership courses available on Physioplus. Conflict management in rehabilitation and balancing time and workload. Leadership is not only important for those in leadership positions to acquire leadership skills in all areas of our profession. As physiotherapists, we lead paths, teach students, enable patients who don't necessarily want to do exercises, do so much, and use subtle…
One of my annual goals is to read 25 books about my trustworthy Kindle, and this year has been another year of learning and entertainment from some great writers. I try to read a variety of genres and authors to ensure that I don't get too insular while maintaining my knowledge in areas of life that are important and interesting…
"Any relationship that could be" ruined "by talking about feelings, standards or expectations was not strong enough anyway, so there is not much to ruin." ~ Unknown So many of us believe that it is a noble thing not to express yourself. We get stoic and in control. Others become emotional and overwhelmed while we can keep it together. The…
“You were born to be one of the advisers and thinkers, the spiritual and moral leaders of your society. There is every reason to be proud. “ ~ Elaine N. Aron Stop being so sensitive. Relieve yourself. You are hypersensitive. Stop thinking. You're weird. If you are something like me, you hurled these words at you as long as stones…