
Adaptation dysfunction within the interval of COVID-19

The inability to leave the house; constant access to the 24-hour message cycle; passionate hand washing and disinfecting; increasing fear; Insomnia. These are just a few facets of the new "normalcy" of the world. Without a doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for personal hygiene and the fragility of life. But while projections of diminished mental health have…

We're all collectively and that's a pleasant factor

"Lessons in life are repeated until they are learned." ~ Frank Sonnenberg At the moment I live my life in lines. This is not a code for something philosophically abstract or profound. I literally live my life in lines. Lines about six feet between me and the woman in brightly colored workout clothes; the man in Carhart jeans, hoodie and…

Voice of expertise: Grief usually issues

At some point in our training as a consultant, we all studied great theorists like Erikson, Piaget and Maslow. Their theories give us a general understanding of human behavior and with this information we can develop clinical interventions. While I was a student, I didn't appreciate theory as much as I should have, but the further I went in my…

5 constructive classes from the coronavirus disaster

"What is supposed to give light must endure the burning." ~ Viktor Frankl The world is facing challenging times of crisis. Closed borders and travel bans, quarantine, lack of food, scary news and a lot of fear. Viruses do not care about our status, money or fame and spread from civil servants to famous actors. Being human at the moment…

Unconnected and powerful within the face of COVID-19

Editor's Note: A number of helpful coronavirus resources and all related articles by Tiny Buddha can be found here. "Distance sometimes lets you know who is worth keeping and who is worth letting go of." ~ Lana Del Rey When COVID-19 started to change my life, I thought of my family. My parents, with whom I haven't spoken much since…

The position of the guide in public relations and constructing resilience

P Careers advisers do not practice in a vacuum. Consultants practice in community with others regardless of the environment. Counselors practice in neighborhoods, schools, psychiatric facilities, inpatient psychiatric hospitals, in colleges, in homes, in homeless shelters, in assisted dormitories, in prisons, and the list goes on. All of these areas of activity are in communities. Therefore, as counselors, we need…

High Contributors – Selena Horner

Please celebrate with us the top contributors for April – Selena Horner ! Selena is a dynamic team player who mainly works with the social media aspect of Physiopedia. She awakens Physiopedia with her commitment, her endless contributions and her positive attitude to life. Selena unconditionally passes on to knowledge users, volunteer colleagues, contributors and the organization as a whole.…