
Improvement of recommendation underneath COVID-19

U Are professional consultants considered essential workers? What if a customer's insurance covers personal therapy but does not cover video or phone sessions? Are Skype, WhatsApp or Zoom compliant with health laws? My employer expects me to continue to see customers personally, but I'm not happy with the health risk associated with it. What can I do? This spring, practitioners…

New FREE COVID-19 Vitamin, Bodily Exercise, and Psychological Well being Programs on Physioplus

Physiopedia has released 3 new FREE COVID-19 online courses. If you think more about how we can stay healthy in this challenging time, these nutrition, physical activity, mental health (and short sleep) courses will help you stay healthy and keep your patients healthy. On March 16, Physiopedia published a series of 4 COVID-19 courses that summarized information that is relevant…

How do I keep away from a soul-destroying life disaster

"Sometimes it takes an overwhelming breakdown to make an incredible breakthrough." ~ Unknown I had hit rock bottom. Well, that means different things for different people. Let me explain what my bottom was. I start with my physical health. I was underweight, about twenty-five pounds. My face looked thin and skinny. I was hypertensive even though I was eating healthy.…

Coping with the (persistent) stress of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic affects everyone differently. Some cope with the loss of a job. Some risk their lives and care for the sick. And others think deeply about existential questions about mortality and the meaning of life. The pandemic could also exacerbate underlying mental health problems for some clients, notes Robert Haynes, a member of the American Counseling Association. For…

Voice of expertise: data is a capability to manage

In 1994 I built my house in a tiny little village in Georgia. At that time, a neighboring town less than 16 km away was considered a long-distance call. At that time, almost all cellular companies were charging per minute. My phone plan gave me $ 60 10 minutes a month. There were no Skype, zoom, or video conferencing and…

Affirmation of all shades of the rainbow

Laura Brackett's specialties are advising LGBTQ + people. A common complaint she hears from her customers is that those outside the LGBTQ + community – including some psychiatrists – consider it a large, happy family that shares the same problems and concerns. Of course this is not the case. "There can be deep and painful differences between the different groups…

Physiopedia App Replace

The fantastic Physiopedia app has been updated to include some exciting new features. The Physiopedia app has been expanded to include new and exciting functions that make access to CPD even easier on the go. New additions transform your commuting with the help of the narration function with which the app reads the content to you! In addition, sharing pages…