
Get your cash's price

Today we took the children to a theme park. There were water slides, go-karts, tobogganing, a large wave pool and a number of other fun attractions. Madison and Hayden were excited from the moment they woke up this morning and took full advantage of the day's charms as soon as they walked through the gate. I felt old and over.…

Use of the "faucet in dedication" method

Emma looks quickly at the clock when she turns her key in the lock. It is 9:57 p.m. She sighs as she pushes the door open and quickly goes to her room to drop off her bags before going into the kitchen to prepare dinner, her second meal of the day since leaving at 6am. She fills a saucepan, turns…

Why it's actually about you (not about her)

“It is easy to judge. It's harder to understand. Understanding requires compassion, patience, and a willingness to believe that sometimes good hearts choose bad methods. By judging we part. We grow through understanding. “~ Doe Zantamata "Why doesn't he say anything?" I was sitting at the dining table with my partner and friends. Everyone but my partner interacted and talked…

Inspiration from varied sources

I have a friend who is a great runner. He ran 5 km in less than 17 minutes. A time that I can only dream of. I found out today that he has an injury that has kept him from walking for about 6 months. I have another friend who is constantly struggling with her fitness and running. Her best…

"However my clients don't get consuming issues"

Almost all counselors encounter clients who engage in behaviors such as extreme dieting, excessive exercise, fasting, emotional overeating and binge eating. These symptoms can be mild and overlooked at first, or even considered normative in our culture obsessed with thinness and appearance. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between a client experimenting with the latest fashion diet and…

Rotator cuff tear | What’s the greatest, conservative or surgical administration? | Article of the week # 23

Rotator cuff tears (RC) are one of the main causes of shoulder pain and disability worldwide. Damage to the rotator cuff can be caused by degenerative changes, repeated microtraumas, severe traumatic injuries, and secondary functional disorders. Examples of traumatic injuries can include falling on an outstretched hand or pulling an unexpected force. An example of atraumatic causes could be excessive…

The enjoyment of not getting what we wish

"Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck." ~ Dalai Lama Let me tell you a story. I first read it in a book on Taoism, but since then I've seen it in at least a dozen other places, each with its own variation. Here's the gist: There is this farmer. His favorite horse…

Queen’s College x Physiopedia | Venture cooperation for the event of neuromotor content material

Physiopedia and Queen’s University work together to create high quality resources for physical therapists around the world through a Physiopedia Content Development Project. Physiopedia's mission is to create a platform where physical therapists around the world have access to free, high quality, evidence-based information. Many of the pages on Physiopedia are created and reviewed by qualified volunteers, but there are…